I am a writer–I just don’t always remember it.

I wrote my first novel in 2011. I’ve started 14 more since then, finishing about half of those. One of these days I’ll actually try to find someone to publish them (or just do it myself). Onward!

(If anyone would like to be a beta reader, feel free to drop me a line).

A Sea of Stars - Ch. 11 - Surprises

            exists an
    old Chinese saying: may you
     live in interesting times
        but sometimes, things
       can get       just a 
      little           too 

Lillian awoke from her dream full of bittersweet memories. It had been a while since she’d dreamed of her mother. Since she’d felt the cool touch of her hands on her faces. Heard the soft voice, reading to her before bed. But the memories of after were terribly bitter. They had found some of the men directly responsible for the bombing, but never those in charge. And no reason was ever given. Truly, that was the worst-it being just a random act of violence.


Lost in translation

A man and a woman stood side by side, overlooking a sight that had, until a few months ago, never before been seen to human eyes. They were in orbit around a planet, blue green like the Earth but with just enough difference to know they were nowhere near home.

The land was different. Rather than half a dozen large land masses spread more or less evenly, this world had only a single huge continent, spanning perhaps half of an entire hemisphere.


A Sea of Stars - Ch. 10 - Memories

    core all that we       made
      know and all         from
       that   we    the places that we
      are      is       have seen
                       and     the
                     people     that

The morning began just like any other. Lillian awoke to the sounds and smells of frying bacon and the delicious aroma of homemade pancakes. She jumped out of bed–Mom’s cooking! she thought to herself–and threw herself out of her door. She was in such a rush that she nearly collided with her father just outside the door, jumping aside bare centimeters from impact.


A bit of a mixup

Apparently I got myself off on the last two chapters of A Sea of Stars. Everything should be fixed now, but if you’ve been following along, you may want to check that you’ve read the correct chapters. The two most recent chapters should be:

Now I know to be a little more careful in double checking everything I post. 😄

A Sea of Stars - Ch. 9 - Lies

    best of lies are those
      hidden between two
        two grains of
      what        could
     only            be

Adrian had a small office in the command section of the ship, just off of a central area shared by all of the security staff. He took all four of them there, leaving his partner to examine the wreckage of the kitchen.



Herman was alone.

But then again, Herman was always alone.

He had no family, no friends. No one to call and ask how his day was. No one to come over and borrow a cup of sugar or chat about the latest ball game.

Then again there was no more sugar.

There were no more ball games.

Still, it would have been nice to have someone to talk to.


A Sea of Stars - Ch. 8 - Counterpoint

         human                 land
    being is truly the        for no
     most dangerous      other would so be
    animal       in         so willingly
    all          the       to       lose
                          every     thing
        but the slightest
         chance of some
        future        hope

Lillian woke with tears on her pillow. Even taking the strange nature of time dilation from her years on the gateships into account, Lillian had lived off Earth longer than she’d lived on it. But she still remembered that quiet house in a city by the beach and thought of it as home. But it was all long gone. Destroyed by what was believed by some to be both the single greatest proof of intelligent extra-solar life ever. And known by everyone to be the single greatest act of devastation in the history of the human race. And perhaps the worst part was that there had been next to no warning.


A Sea of Stars - Ch. 7 - Impact

         is all it
    takes for the entire
      world to change
      for       better
     or             for

Once they were in orbit, a sort of quiet anticipation settled over the ship. For several moments, no one spoke. Finally, several of the more adventurous passengers started whispered conversations.


A Sea of Stars - Ch. 6 - Greetings

         in your                special
       heart, you             someone and
    never truly forget     know that nothing
     that moment when          could ever 
        you first             be       the 
      meet     that          same       again

Lillian jumped and spun to the door. She didn’t recognize the voice and, as she finished her turn, realized she didn’t recognize the face either. Which meant that it had to be someone that had just arrived. With only a few dozen crew members it was hard not to know at least everyone’s face–even if Lillian tended towers horrible with names.


A Sea of Stars - Ch. 5 - Confession

      dark secrets of the 
        human soul are
       nothing     when
      faced   the   with

Lillian and Madeline reached the observation lounge with only a few minutes to spare before the gate was scheduled to be activated. They weren’t the only ones either. Hans and Jacobs had already claimed one of the tables on a raised platform in the center of the room. Jacobs was waving his arms wildly at the girls.