Wombat IDE - λ mode

I’ve fixed the λ-mode that I was talking about earlier, adding a menu option so that all lambdas will automatically be exchanged for λs or vice versa. Behind the scenes, files are always saved with the word lambda (so that the macro in the previous post isn’t actually necessary), but such changes should be completely transparent to the end user. If you want to switch over to the new versions of Wombat, you can get it here.


Wombat IDE - Scheme/Java Interop

In the last few days I’ve managed to get a version of Scheme/Java interoperability working where Scheme code can call to Java using a side channel alongside the normal communication with the host Wombat process.


Wombat IDE - Updated tree and image libraries

Continuing the update to the Petite back-end, I’ve rewritten the matrix library and most of the image library (everything except for read-image, write-image, and draw-image). The current code is all in Scheme, although I don’t want to write the image loading/saving code in Scheme otherwise we’ll be back into the original situation with the C211 libraries. The APIs haven’t changed though, so the previous APIs are still valid:


Wombat IDE - Generated host IDs

Just a small change, now a short (8 character) alpha-numeric string will be used whenever a user hosts a connection, rather than just having to enter the IP and port combination:


Wombat IDE - Pair programming

As I mentioned once before, I’ve been meaning to add the ability to share screens between different users. I spent a few hours yesterday evening, trying to get everything working correctly in the new setup. So far, I have messages sent and received (encoded using a Public Domain Java Base64 library) between a host and one or more clients, all with an easy enough to use GUI built right into Wombat:


Wombat IDE - Threads are *fun*

Threads can get all sorts of interesting sometimes. And fun to debug. Essentially, whenever the user would restart the Petite process (using the Stop button) a new output thread would be spawned. There wasn’t any problem with the output being duplicated or lost–I already had locking in place to prevent that–but what would happen is that the threads would interleave the output, scrambling output nicely.


Wombat IDE - Enhancements and forward thinking

A few minor enhancements with the new Petite-based builds: Start case sensitive by default Added a library directory in preparation for the new C211 libraries Added code to prevent gensym printing (makes records more readable in general) Re-added the C211 tree library (except for draw-tree), it’s pure Scheme but the API has remained the same I still haven’t pushed an official build for the students to actually use, but we’re getting closer.


Wombat IDE - Bug fixes galore!

Bug fixes:

  • Added the ability to cancel when saving on close
  • Fixed Stop with Petite
  • Fixed an issue where the cursor wouldn’t be at the end on up arrow
  • Updated the launcher to actually exit in all cases, including errors on startup
  • Fixed build process for Petite sub-directories
  • Altered the Launcher to download zip archives and unzip them rather than grabbing the executable directly
  • Set the executable bit on unpacking files from zip so that Petite actually works on Linux and OSX machines

Wombat IDE - Shutdown hook

An interesting feature: Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { NativeProcess.destroy(); } }); (NativeProcess is the Petite Process object.) Theoretically, this code will run whenever the Java Virtual Machine shuts down normally, so if it crashes there will still be problems (although it’s harder than you might think to get the JVM to crash unless you’re specifically trying to do so). I just thought that was neat and should avoid some of the problems that Odete was having with zombie processes.