Ludum Dare(ish) 56: BugShine

Ludum Dare? That’s been a while!

I didn’t actually enter the game jam. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was going to write anything. But I had a bit of an idea and spent a few hours only on Sunday hammering something out:

Yeah, I did another cellular automata thing 😄

It’s not at all complete, but the basic idea is:

  • Generate a random level
  • See it with multiple players (colonies of bugs)
  • Each bug will send out waves of ‘shine’, expanding their territory
  • Take over the map to win

It’s sort of got that?

I’m using Rust as I’ve been doing a lot recently.

The main libraries are:

  • pixels for the rendering; it gives me direct access to a pixel buffer, which is my favorite
  • winit for windowing; this did require the feature rwh_05 to be properly compatible with pixels, which took a minute to track down

Other than, that, it’s straight custom code which you can see in it’s entirety on my github.

  • - creates the window and handles input
  • - runs the simulation mostly in an update function; with generation in new

I think that perhaps the only really interesting bit about the code is how the ‘shine waves’ work. Basically, I have a grid of the state of each cell, but I also have a Vec that tracks ‘active’ pixels. Those are the only ones that can update–which both helps performance and makes the simulation appear the way it does.

Overall, a nice quick project. More than anything, it actually convinced me to try setting up something that can render pixel buffers on Rust. And with a (very minimal) GUI, too! Both things I’ve been meaning to learn.

I probably won’t do anything more with this code, but it’s got the seeds of something more interesting. Keep an eye out. 😄


LD46: Tetris Life Scoring

And so it ends.




LD46: Tetris Life v1.0


  • Left and right to move the block and forth
  • Z and X to rotate it (or crash into things)
  • If a block gets stuck, you can hit ENTER to lock it in place
  • ESC to quit the current level


  • To win: Get the plants to the top of the level
  • To lose: Kill off all of the plants #keepitalive

EDIT: I have included a v1.1 update that fixes a few minor bugs. Feel free to play either the official v1.0 build or the slightly updated (~10 minutes) v1.1 build with:

  • Add a ceiling
  • Correctly scale target
  • Scale control speed by difficulty

And there you have it. This page will serve as the main entry for Ludum Dare. If you’d rather download an executable for Windows/OSX/Linux, you can do so on the GitHub release page:

Speaking of which, per the Ludum Dare rules (and because I would have anyways), the full source code:

MIT Licensed. I would appreciate a comment if you do anything cool with it.

Ludum Dare page, if you’d like to see my entry:

Some updates since last time:

  • Music!
  • More elements!
  • Polish!




The performance is terrible (sub 10 FPS on a pretty decent desktop and I want to try to run it in a browser…), but it’s working.


LD46: Particles!

I’ve got particles working!

It’s probably not nearly as efficient as it’s going to have to be, but it’s a start?


LD46: Squishy squishy

It’s so squish!

That is not at all what I intended, but I kind of love it, so for the moment, it stays in.

To get this far, I had a heck of a time trying to figure out Godot’s physics engine, but I’m learning quickly!


LD46: Tetris is working! (sort of)


I have basic blocks that fall by themselves and that I can move around with left/right on the keyboard. They will collide with each other and the walls/floor, and once they stick, a new block will spawn.


Ludum Dare 46: Tetris Sand

It’s been a while since I’ve last done a Ludum Dare. I felt the itch though, so let’s do it again.

Ludum Dare is an online event where games are made from scratch in a weekend. Check us out every April and October!

The theme this time: Keep it alive

I don’t know if I’ll make it all the way through or actually finish a game. But I’m going to give it a try!