AoC 2023 Day 5: Growinator

Source: Day 5: If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer

Full solution for today (spoilers!)

Part 1

You are given a set of initial values (seeds) and a series of range maps (where a range of numbers src..src+len maps to dst..dst+len). Apply each range map in tur, return the lowest resulting value.


AoC 2023 Day 4: Scratchinator

Source: Day 4: Scratchcards

Full solution for today (spoilers!). Note: I did slightly change my solutions template after writing this blog post, so the final solution is structured slightly differently than the code in this post. The functionality itself hasn’t changed.

Part 1

Simulate scratchcards. Given a list of winning numbers and guessed numbers, count how many guessed numbers are in the winning list. Your score is 1, 2, 4, 8, … for 1, 2, 3, 4, … matching numbers.


AoC 2023 Day 3: Gearinator

Source: Day 3: Gear Ratios

Full solution for today (spoilers!). Note: I did slightly change my solutions template after writing this blog post, so the final solution is structured slightly differently than the code in this post. The functionality itself hasn’t changed.

Part 1

Take as input a 2D grid of numbers or symbols (. represents empty space). Numbers will be 1 or more digits written horizontally which should be concatenated (.467* is the number 467 followed by the symbol *).

Sum all numbers that are adjacent (including diagonally) to at least one symbol.


AoC 2023 Day 2: Playinator

Source: Day 2: Cube Conundrum

Full solution for today (spoilers!). Note: I did slightly change my solutions template after writing this blog post, so the final solution is structured slightly differently than the code in this post. The functionality itself hasn’t changed.

Part 1

Play a game where you have some number of red, green, and blue dice in a cup, which you draw and roll (without replacement). Which game is possible with only 12 red, 13 gree, and 14 blue cubes?

Input will look like: Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green


AoC 2023 Day 1: Calibrationinator

Source: Day 1: Trebuchet?!

Full solution for today (spoilers!). Note: I did slightly change my solutions template after writing this blog post, so the final solution is structured slightly differently than the code in this post. The functionality itself hasn’t changed.

Part 1

Given a list of alphanumeric strings, find the first and last digit on each line (they may be the same). Concatenate each pair and sum them.


Advent of Code 2023

Another year, another Advent of Code.

Like last year, we’re doing Rust. I’ve really grown to love the language since last year… and hopefully I’ve learned a bit more about how to write more ‘proper’ Rust. I know I had some issues last year. Functional… but it could be better.

Let’s see how it goes!

For full solutions, as always, I post to GitHub (including previous years and possibly some I haven’t written up yet): jpverkamp/advent-of-code