It’s great seeing how the world is diverging from our own, with another Great Space Race to MARS! This time, not just the US and USSR, but also the private sector (Helios) getting involved, which just manages to make everything more complicated.
And even with some things so far ahead… it’s still the (fictional) 90s. US/USSR tensions are still high. There are still plenty of hidden secrets just waiting to come out at the right moment.
As we jump another decade forward, our original cast (those that have survived at least) are getting older, but still perfectly capable of causing all sorts of chaos. We have a few new faces as well, but I’ll admit, less than I expected. There’s no way that’s sustainable…
Overall, another wonderful season. Man the reviews for this one makes it look worse than it is. It’s a show about the space race… but not just about space. It’s also a show about the people going to space, and some people miss that.
Quite enjoyed it. Looking forward to season 4!