Jade Legacy The Green Bone Saga #3

“You’d think it would be easier to face death as you get older, but it doesn’t work that way. You get more attached to life, to people you love and things that are worth living for.”


I first read Jade City and Jade War a few years1 ago–before the third and final book was out. So when I finally got a chance for a re-read (re-listen this time), I figured I’d give it a chance.

And oh, does this book ever deliver. If you’re like me and have read the first two and not this–what are you waiting for?


Ms. Marvel, Vol. 10: Time and Again Ms. Marvel (2014) #10

A weirdly weak ending. It felt like they were building up to so much more… but this is the end of this particular run. I suppose it’s time to find out where/what is next. Comics are confusing yo. One Night Only Sleepover! Of course things go wrong. Over and over again. And then… Right. It’s about time. A cute story. Short though. The Ratio SCIENCE time with Bruno! You know, given that Ms.


Ms. Marvel, Vol. 9: Teenage Wasteland Ms. Marvel (2014) #9

Teenage Wasteland

Ironic that.

A whole Ms. Marvel story about when it’s all too much and Kamala steps down.

It’s such a cute story. Some friends step up to (try) to take her place. Some (try to) track her down … for a sandwich. It’s what friendship is about.

Oh. And somehow the Inventor is back. But that’s not really the point now, is it?

I really liked this one.

Something New


But that’s… totally only the first few pages. After that, we get Bruno back (for a visit? Or more?), a new kid at school… that can crush lockers with her bare hands, and oh so much relationship drama.

It’s a good time.

I wonder of Bruno shows up in any Black Panther issues while he was there.


Ms. Marvel, Vol. 8: Mecca Ms. Marvel (2014) #8


K.I.N.D.—or anything but—is in town. Rounding up anyone that ‘doesn’t look like they belong’.

😃 No, not quite like that.

It’s a good one.

Northeast Corridor

And then…

People are good at ignoring things, but even that’s a bit obvious…

A cute enough story though.

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 7: Damage Per Second Ms. Marvel (2014) #7

Election Day Politics! Get out and vote! Man single issues are short. Damage Per Second Troll! Or computer virus. Close enough. Ready to reveal all the big bad secrets of the world. Sometimes people are clueless. But sometimes Zoe is right on. She’s a fun side character. It’s a cute story. Expected weird/sappy solution. So it goes. Meanwhile in Wakanda And as an aside, Bruno! In Wakanda! That’s a fun one.


2024 Book Bingo

Let’s do it again! Previous years: 2023 Book Bingo 2022 Book Bingo 2021 Book Bingo If anyone I know wants to read along on any of these, drop me a line. Love to chat about books! 😄 Rules: Must be speculative fiction (SF, fantasy, horror with speculative elements) Limit the number of novellas (fewer than 40k words or defined by the author as such) or combine them A book of short stories counts Graphic novels/manga should be treated as novellas Web novels count (if they’re long enough) Audiobooks count Official thread


Ms. Marvel, Vol. 5: Super Famous Ms. Marvel (2014) #5

And… swap. Continued volume numbering, new issue numbers. Same writer, new artists.


Whoa, wait a minute. Less onward. More context!

Okay, so six months have passed. And it’s not just we the readers who missed everything—apparently Kamala’s been flaking hard as well.


Also, Tyesha!

Which makes everything even more super busy! So of course…

Yup. Bad idea.

So good.

Ms. Marvel, Vol. 4: Last Days Ms. Marvel (2014) #4

The world… is ending.

Or at least that’s how it feels.

Didn’t she know him for like… a couple days? I suppose it’s not that unusual. First times are so much bigger.

But still.

Bigger problems.

Also, the dream team up!

It’s fun and exactly the sort of thing Kamala dreamt about! Even if the scale of it all… doesn’t really make sense. The end of the world looms and they’re starting with the looting?

But getting to the part of the story we saw in the show? “I know.” That’s the story I’m interested in!

A chaotic delightful mess of a story.


The Tropic of Serpents The Memoirs of Lady Trent #2

A Natural History of Dragons set out an interesting world. It’s more or less our world (although with all the names rewritten, so you’re always playing a game so is ‘xxx’ just like ‘yyy’), but with dragons. And of course the titular Isabela Trent just wants to study them, like any Natural Historian would! Give me dragons any day; I understand their ways far better than those of my fellow human beings.