Something new! (If you not on a reread :))
Rather than the shared points of view of The Andalite's Gift, we now have the first [[Animorphs Chronicles|chronicle]] book: a book written from a completely alien (heh) point of view to fill in some other part of the universe.
In this case Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul. The one who in a lot of ways started this whole mess. And after reading this book–apparently in more ways than we could believe.
On the plus side, we get a lot of fascinating world building. Learning more about Andelite culture directly, as opposed to via our normal human filters. Learning about Yeerks. Visser Three (before he was Three!). And Taxxons. And Skrit Na.
The Skrit Na ship was round, with tapered sides. It looked like a fat disc. You could hardly even see where the engines were, and the Skrit Na had blinking colored lights all around it. I guess they find that attractive or something.
(it’s a typical saucer shaped UFO)
On the other hand (minor spoilers, but it becomes obvious fairly early), time travel.
We’ve done that already–and not that long ago (The Forgotten). And… while it’s got some interesting points here, it makes things a bit too messy and convenient, at least in my opinion.