Man things are ramping up quickly.
Things just keep on getting crazier and muckier. There are many sides all fighting all over the place and it’s not entirely clear how everything is going to end up…
More complications with Eren, Zeke, and the Founder. Turns out perhaps neither of them is really a ‘good’ guy in the end…
Now we’re really getting into the conflict between Eren and Zeke, what it means to bring the Founding Titan and royal blood together, and some absolutely crazy history lessons and scenes with spines–because for some reason Attack on Titan is obsessed with spines.
Then there’s idea that the Attack Titan doesn't give you access to the memories of those who came before... but instead somehow those that will come after . It’s a crazy idea, but somehow makes things make just a bit more sense…
Yippie-i-oh. That is the life for me. A cowboy is who I was meant to be.
Leroy Ninker wants to be a cowboy–to be a cowboy, he needs a horse. Enter: Maybelline. An old horse with four teeth and four hooves (a perfect match) that runs on compliments and grub and doesn’t stand being alone.
Eren is out and about and a jerk (even if he’s probably right). Zeke has plans involving spinal fluid (eesh) and gets captured. And there’s a plan that could very well end the existence of Titans entirely…
The story is hurtling towards and ending. It’s fascinating and oh so weird.
Well, that certainly got away from me. Only a half dozen more volumes to go, let’s finish this!
I think the main reason that I’ve started drifting from the series is how much broader it’s gotten in scope and scale. At first, it was one city in a world full of monsters. Now the world is looking in on one island and there’s oh so much more going on that we’re just now hearing about 27 volumes in…
A wise king does not garner all wit, instead he also allows his cunselors to be wise.
I last read the first few books of the Runelords probably more than a decade ago. I forgot how good these books are.
A gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, a green blob, a were-Pomeranian, and the Antichrist get sent to live in an orphanage on an island…
Sounds like the setup for a rather strange joke, but instead the punchline is a delightful, amusing, and surprisingly touching story about actually taking the time to notice and perhaps care for someone a little bit different.
Oh, these stories are absolutely delightful.
In a town in Calabria, a long time ago, there lived an old lady everyone called Strega Nona, which meant “Grandma Witch”.
A cute addition to the series. The Borrowers have made it to Little Fordham. We get a bit of backstory about the maker of the tiny town and of course there’s a baddie making a town of his own. The Borrowers get Borrowernapped, they learn how to make a balloon, and they soar back home.
There’s a lot to like about this series, especially the miniature worlds and how the Borrowers can use any manner of things in ways we never intended them. It’s a fun world.