Onwards and halfwaywards. The election is over and Spider and co are on the scene.
I don’t usually review this short of a book, but I had a few words I wanted to say:
I really enjoy the Mercy Watson books. They’re light and hilarious, with a cast full of wonderfully weird characters and maybe a bit of a lesson in their along for the ride.
Mostly, it’s a story about interviewing the candidates for election and answering that age old ‘which is the lesser evil’ sort of question. Or I suppose in this question, can Spider find enough to convince him not to go outright nuclear on both of them and screw the world over even worse?
It’s fascinating seeing both women in the cast now. Bit weird.
Spider Jerusalem is famous now! So much so that they’re making (distubing because of course) TV programs about him!
Wooo boy things ramp up.
After The Runelords, with the invasion by uber powerful Raj Ahtan, finally driven off by the rise of Earth King Gaborn, it was hard to believe that we could ramp up even far. Now Gaborn is coming into his powers, while Raj Ahtan has to figure out how to strike back and/or regroup.
Whelp. Spider Jerusalem is here to stay, at least for the time being. All around, it’s a look at the worst (and sometimes the best) the future might have to offer, through the brightly colored, mismatched lenses of ‘journalism’. Which mostly means inserting himself into people’s lives whether they want him to or not and occasionally making the situation better because of it.
This time around, we have a look into what it means to be human (does that include atomizing yourself into a sentient cloud of fog?), what do you do with cryogenically frozen bodies you can wake up–but don’t need or want, the idea of ‘reservations’ taken to an extreme, and the fallout that comes from being just a bit too famous.
Isn’t available in a combined volume in English yet, but I can still read the individual chapters. Will have to pick it out when it comes up.
Until then…