Hellblazer, Vol. 6: Bloodlines Hellblazer #6

A very solid issue. A couple of great longer storylines with long term consequences (Guys & Dolls was great) and a few shorter one offs (Lord of the Dance in particular I enjoyed). Could have been longer, but there’s still potentially more story to be told there. I’m enjoying seeing Constantine and Kit’s relationship evolve. It gives a nice human element to contrast the horror. I only hope that doesn’t go too badly for her in the long run…


Writing An Interpreter In Go

You know, I’m always up for a good ‘writing an interpreter’ book. Making programming languages is a thing I’ve done a number of times before and really have been itching to get back into again. Add to that a desire to pick up a bit more Go syntax… well, perhaps this book is just about perfect. In a nutshell, it’s a ‘writing an interpreter’ book. They go through lexing, parsing, and evaluating.


The Winter King The Warlord Chronicles #1

ONCE UPON A TIME, in a land that was called Britain, these things happened. This is an odd one to review. It’s well written, decently paced (although I found it slow in general), and–so far as I know–well researched for the time period. On the other hand, I tend strongly to prefer fantasy and science fiction (which this is not, despite all the hints at the contrary) and a little more action.


Hellblazer, Vol. 5: Dangerous Habits Hellblazer #5

Weird, slow, and dark at first but then we get the Deadly Habits storyline. That’s one of the core Constantine storylines so far as I know and for good reason. The Bogeyman Oh Constantine. What is going on with you. Dark and depressing and little happening. Sets up a story I suppose. Dead-Boy’s Heart That’s a great issue. Took me a bit to realize it was typing Constantine. So he’s always been … a little different.


Holy Sister Book of the Ancestor #3

All leaves must fall in time, she had said. The lives we lived fall away from us, but something remains, something that is part of the tree. That one actually took me rather a while to get through. Don’t get me wrong, the worldbuilding is still facinating, the action is top notch, and we still get more than a bunch of all the main characters. But somehow–it seems to have lost it’s focus.


Pippi Goes on Board Pippi Löngstrump #2

I actually liked this story a lot more than the first Pippi. It’s still basically the same idea: girl who is unusually strong and lives on her own gets up to hijinks, but I think that the stories this time around fit a little bit–and we actually get to meet Pippi's dad--turns out he's not dead after all . Worth continuing on. Going to have to check out the third now.


Sons of the Oak The Runelords #5

Sons of the Oak is an odd one. After saving the world in Lair of Bones, Gaborn and Iome are loaded with enough metabolism to curse them to die in the next few years–which ends up happening relatively early on. That of course leaves a power vacuum. There are those who would love to see the Earth King’s son take the crown–and just as many who’d rather see him dead and take power of their on. On top of that, there’s a whole new level of darkness in the world. From Loci to strengi-saats, it’s an ever darkening world, with the Torch of Humanity having been passed down to the next generation.

I don’t think I’ve actually finished this book before. The time skip made it hard to read and I just moved on. But this time around, I’ve actually really enjoyed it. We’ll have to see how it continues. I think reading it as an audiobook has helped. It just keeps going unless you actually stop rather than stopping unless you push on.


Hellblazer, Vol. 4: The Family Man Hellblazer #4

Better than Volume 3 by a long shot. Starts weird but interesting and gets better from there. I’ll reiterate though that I can’t really imagine buying these by issue, especially in real time. A volume has enough meat to it to sustain a storyline.


The Lair of Bones The Runelords #4

The Lair of Bones is an epic and fitting conclusion1 to the Runeslords saga. It takes the story of Gaborn and Raj Ahten, of Runelords and reavers, of elemental powers and far darker things, and brings it all together in a series of rather epic journeys and battles, culminating with an epic–if bittersweet–victory of light over dark, of good over evil. Or does it? Overall, it’s a solid conclusion and I quite enjoyed it.


Pippi Longstocking Pippi Löngstrump #1

Pippi Longstocking’s a bit of an odd character. On one hand, she’s a fun loving young girl who happens to have super strength (for some reason). She’s lived a pretty crazy life and has stories from all over the world along with a tendency to get herself into (and back out of) wacky adventures and always seems to have a lot of fun doing so. On the other hand, she’s a young girl living on her own.