Prince Caspian Chronicles of Narnia #2

Things never happen the same way twice.

It’s fascinating to read this back to back with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (as you should if you’re reading them in published order). For the children, only a year has passed, but for Narnia, it’s been far, far longer. So long, in fact, that talking animals, walking trees, and even Aslan himself are little more than myths and the Age of Man has come to a land we once knew.


The Little Bear Stories

Such adorable little stories to read to your little ones. Not much of a deep plot, but rather a series of short stories all about the trials and tribulations of a Little Bear and their relationship-unspecified Big Bear. Worth reading.

Peace Talks The Dresden Files #16

Home, like love, hate, war, and peace, is one of those words that is so important that it doesn’t need more than one syllable. Home is part of the fabric of who humans are. Doesn’t matter if you’re a vampire or a wizard or a secretary or a schoolteacher; you have to have a home, even if only in principle-there has to be a zero point from which you can make comparisons to everything else. Home tends to be it.

Holy crap.