AoC 2024 Day 9: Defraginator

Source: Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Given a disk layout alternating between files and empty spaces, move all files as early on the disk is possible, splitting into multiple blocks. Return a checksum on the disk.

Alternating means: 23331 would mean a 2 block file, 3 empty, a 3 block file, 3 empty, and a 1 block file.

The checksum is the sum of file_id * block_index for all occupied blocks. File IDs are assigned sequentially on initial generation.


AoC 2022 Day 9: Ropeinator

Source: Rope Bridge

Part 1

Simulate two connected links such that whenever the first link (head) moves, the tail moves to follow according to the following rules:

  • If the tail is at the same location as head, don’t move
  • If the tail is adjacent to the head (orthogonal or diagonal), don’t move
  • If the tail is in the same row/column as the head, move one directly towards it orthogonally
  • If the tail is in neither the same row nor column, move one towards diagonally

Count how many unique spaces are visited by the tail of the link.