A CLI Tool for Bulk Processing Github Dependabot Alerts (with GraphQL!)

Dependabot is … somewhat useful. When it comes to letting you know that there are critical issues in your dependencies that can be fixed simply by upgrading the package (they did all the work for you*). The biggest problem is that it can just be insanely noisy. In a busy repo with multiple Node.JS codebases (especially), you can get dozens to even hundreds of reports a week. And for each one, you optimally would update the code… but sometimes it’s just not practical. So you have to decide which updates you actually apply.

So. How do we do it?

Well the traditional rest based Github APIs don’t expose the dependabot data, but the newer GraphQL one does! I’ll admit, I haven’t used as much GraphQL as I probably should, it’s… a bit more complicated than REST. But it does expose what I need.