Graph coloring

Here’s another one from /r/dailyprogrammer:

… Your goal is to color a map of these regions with two requirements: 1) make sure that each adjacent department do not share a color, so you can clearly distinguish each department, and 2) minimize these numbers of colors.

Essentially, graph coloring.


Graph radius

Here’s a quick problem from the DailyProgrammer subreddit. Basically, we want to calculate the radius of a graph:

radius(g) = \min\limits_{n_0 \in g} \max\limits_{n_1 \in g} d_g(n_0, n_1)


Edges to adjacency

Another quick one, this time from /r/dailyprogrammer:

Your goal is to write a program that takes in a list of edge-node relationships, and print a directed adjacency matrix for it. Our convention will follow that rows point to columns. Follow the examples for clarification of this convention.


Functions as lists

Yesterday’s challenge from Programming Praxis challenges us to rebuild a data structure near and dear to any Lisper’s/Schemer’s/Racketer’s1/functional programmer’s heart: lists. The idea presented in their sample solution uses two element vectors, directly mimicking the general internal structure of Scheme’s lists. How about we do something a bit stranger? 😄


Extending Racket structs to bitfields

Keen eyed observers may have noticed that last Friday when I posted about converting my various Racket libraries to Planet 2 packages, that there was a new package there I haven’t otherwise talked about: bit-struct. Today seems like a good time to talk about that. Theoretically, I’ll also have another post or two this week showing exactly what I’m doing with it (spoilers: it involves sending on the order of billions of DNS requests1).


Cyclic equality

In today’s post from Programming Praxis, the goal is to check if two cyclic lists are equal. So if you have the cycles ↻(1 2 3 4 5) and ↻(3 4 5 1 2), they’re equal. Likewise, ↻(1 2 2 1) and ↻(2 1 1 2) are equal. But ↻(1 2 3 4) and ↻(1 2 3 5) are not since they have different elements while ↻(1 1 1) and ↻(1 1 1 1) aren’t since they have different elements.