Chopping words

One more challenge from Programming Praxis’ Word Games today (there are only a few left!). This time we have the challenge of cutting off bits of words, one letter at a time, such that each step is still a word.

The example given in their post is planet → plane → plan → pan → an → a, although surely many such examples exist.


Dodgson’s Doublets

Today we have doublets source code, dictionary source code, queue source code. Using the same source code as the previous two posts (here and here, described originally here) for the dictionary, the code is a pretty straight forward case of using recursion to do backtracking. Basically, try all of the possible next words one letter different. Whenever you find a dead end, back up and try a different path. Something like this:


n-queens in 18 lines of code

One of the rites of passage for computer scientists it seems is to solve the Eight Queens Problem–where you must place 8 queens on a chessboard so that no pair of queens is attacking each other. Even better is when you can expand that to the n-queens problem with n queens on an n by n chessboard. After finding it again in older posts on both Programming Praxis and DataGenetics, I decided to go ahead and take a crack at it and I think the solution is pretty straight forward.