AoC 2021 Day 23: Amphipodinator

Source: Amphipod

Part 1: Given 4 rooms full of amphipods with various energy costs for movement (a=1, b=10, c=100, d=1000) and a hallway, how much energy does it take (at minimum) to sort the amphipods into their own rooms with the following conditions:


AoC 2021 Day 21: Dicinator

Source: Dirac Dice

Part 1: Play a simple game (describe below) with a loaded D100 (that always rolls 1, 2, 3, … 99, 100, 1, …). Return the score of the losing player times the number of times the die was rolled.


AoC 2021 Day 12: Submarine Spider

Source: Passage Pathing

Part 1: Given a list of edges in a bi-directional graph, count the number of paths from start to end such that nodes named with lowercase letters are visited once, and nodes with uppercase letters can be visited any number of times.


Solving Snakebird


A cute little puzzle game, where you move around snake(birds). Move any number of snakes around the level, eating fruit, and getting to the exit. The main gotchas are that you have gravity to content with–your snake will easily fall off the edge of the world–and each time you eat a fruit, your snake gets bigger. This can help get longer to get into hard to reach places or it can cause trouble when you trap yourself in corners.

Let’s use the new immutable.js solver to solve these problems!


Immutable.js Solvers

A bit ago I wrote about writing a generic brute force solver (wow, was that really two months ago?). It got … complicate. Mostly, because every time I wrote a step function, I had to be careful to undo the same. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just write a step function and get backtracking for ‘free’?

Well, with immutability you can!


Regular Expression Fractals

Oops, turns out I haven’t had a post in a good long while. Before it gets even longer, I figure that I should take one off my backlog and just write it up, even if it is a little on the shorter side.

Today’s post was inspired by this post on /r/dailyprogrammer a month ago today: Challenge #178 [Hard] Regular Expression Fractals. The basic idea is that you are going to take a rectangular region and divide it into four quadrants, again and again, recording the path as you go (images from that post):