AoC 2022 Day 22: Wonderator

Source: Monkey Map

Part 1

Given a map and a series of instructions formatted as distance + turn (L or R), find the final position. Any time you would walk off the edge of the map, wrap to the opposite edge.


AoC 2022 Day 19: Blueprintinator

Source: Not Enough Minerals

Part 1

Given a series of given a series of blueprints, each of which gives instructions for how to build a single robot from a collection of materials that in turn will produce one of a given material per turn, determine the best order of builds to maximize your geode (the most valuable material) production for each blueprint given a time limit of 24 minutes.


AoC 2022 Day 16: Pressurinator

Source: Proboscidea Volcanium

Part 1

Given a graph of nodes, some of which have a pressure (per tick output value) and an agent that can move through the graph and activate specific nodes (so that they output their per tick value every future tick), what is the maximum total output possible in 30 steps?


Stateful Solvers and Iterators

Rust, yet again! Let’s take what we did last time with Solving Sudoku (again) and improve the code structure a bit more.


  • Create a ‘Solver’ struct that can maintain state (such as how many states we’ve visited, how much time we’ve spent)
  • Track the above stats
  • Turn the ‘Solver’ into an iterator which will iterate through given solutions (a single call will give the first solution or you can run through the iterator to get all of them)

If you’d like to follow along, I’ve started uploading the code here: