AoC 2017 Day 17: Spinlock

Source: Spinlock1

Part 1: Start with a circular buffer containing [0] and current_position = 0. For n from 1 up to 2017:

  1. Step forward steps (puzzle input)
  2. Input the next value for n, set current_position to n, increment n
  3. Repeat

What is the value after 2017?

It’s a bit weird to describe, but the given example helps (assume steps = 3):

0 (1)
0 (2) 1
0  2 (3) 1
0  2 (4) 3  1
0 (5) 2  4  3  1
0  5  2  4  3 (6) 1
0  5 (7) 2  4  3  6  1
0  5  7  2  4  3 (8) 6  1
0 (9) 5  7  2  4  3  8  6  1


AoC 2017 Day 13: Firewall Puncher

Source: Packet Scanners

Part 1: Multiple layers are defined with rules of the form:

  • {index}: {depth}

Each layer will start at position 0, then once per tick will advance towards depth. Once it hits depth-1, it will return to position 0, taking 2*depth-1 per full cycle.

Calculate the sum of index * depth for any scanners that are at position 0 when you pass through them given an initial starting time.


AoC 2017 Day 10: Knot Cool

Source: Knot Hash

Part 1: Starting with a list of the numbers from 1 to n and a list of lengths (as input):

  1. Initialize current_position and skip_size to 0
  2. For each length element in the lengths list:
  3. Reverse the first length elements of the list (starting at current_position)
  4. Move forward by length plus skip_size
  5. Increment skip_size by 1

After applying the above algorithm, what is the product of the first two elements in the list (from the original first position, not the current_position)?


AoC 2017 Day 9: Garbage Gobbler

Source: Stream Processing

Part 1: An input stream can contain:

  • groups are delimited by { and }, groups are nestable and may contain garbage or data (objects within a group are comma delimited)
  • garbage is delimited by < and >, groups cannot be nested within garbage, a ! within garbage is an escape character: !> does not end a garbage segment

The score of a single group is equal to how many times it is nested (the innermost group of {{{}}} has score 3).

The score of a stream is the sum of the scores of all groups in that stream.

What is the total score of your input?