AoC 2018 Day 9: Marble Madness

Source: Marble Mania

Part 1: Place marbles in a circle such that each marble is placed by skipping one place except for marbles divisible by 23. For those, don’t place them, skip back 7 places, and remove that marble as well. Add these two marbles to your current score.

Given a specific player count and last marble, what’s the highest score?


Advent of Code 2018

Let’s do it again! I’m starting a day late, but much better than last year 😄!

This time around, I’m hoping to solve each problem in both Python and Racket, both to show an example of how the languages differ and … well, because I can 😇.

EDIT 2018-12-05: Yeah… I’m not actually going to do these in both Racket and Python. The solutions are ending up being near direct translations. Since there are probably fewer people solving these in Racket, I’ll do that first and Python eventuallyâ„¢.

As always, these problems are wonderful to try to solve yourself. If you agree, stop reading now. This post isn’t going anywhere.

If you’d like to see the full form of any particular solution, you can do so on GitHub (including previous years and possibly some I haven’t written up yet): jpverkamp/advent-of-code