AoC 2021 Day 2: Submarine Simulator

Source: Dive!

Part 1: Simulate a submarine with 3 commands: forward N, down N, and up N that move forward, increase depth, and decrease depth in that order. Calculate the product of the final position and depth.


Advent of Code 2021

Been a while since I’ve done an advent of code! I’ll probably backfill a few years eventually, but for now, let’s just write some code!

As always, these problems are wonderful to try to solve yourself. If you agree, stop reading now. This post isn’t going anywhere.

If you’d like to see the full form of any particular solution, you can do so on GitHub (including previous years and possibly some I haven’t written up yet): jpverkamp/advent-of-code


AoC 2018 Day 14: Functionally Circular Elfs

Source: Chocolate Charts

Part 1: Create an infinite stream of numbers, by starting with [3, 7] with two pointers: 0 and 1. To add values to the list:

  • Add the current values of the two pointers
    • If the value is less than ten, add that value to the end of the list
    • If the value is greater or equal to ten, add 1 and then the ones digits to the end of the list
  • Update each pointer by adding the value it is pointing at to its current index plus one

With that algorithm, find the ten digits after a given index.