AoC 2021 Day 14: Polymerizationinator

Source: Extended Polymerization

Part 1: Given a complete function f(a, b) -> c where any string ab becomes acb and an input string, apply the function at the same time to every (overlapping) pair of letters. Repeat this time times. Report the difference in counts between the most and least common letters in the final situation.


AoC 2021 Day 12: Submarine Spider

Source: Passage Pathing

Part 1: Given a list of edges in a bi-directional graph, count the number of paths from start to end such that nodes named with lowercase letters are visited once, and nodes with uppercase letters can be visited any number of times.


AoC 2021 Day 11: Octopus Flashinator

Source: Dumbo Octopus

Part 1: Simulate a grid of numbers such that on each tick: advance all numbers by 1, any number that increases over 9 will ‘flash’ and add 1 to all neighbors (recursively, but each cell can only flash once) and then reset to 0. Count the number of flashes in the first 100 ticks.


AoC 2021 Day 10: Chunkinator

Source: Syntax Scoring

Part 1: Given a sequence of () [] {}, and <> with nesting allowed. Find the first syntax error (where the wrong closing symbol is used). Scoring 3, 57, 1197, and 25137 respectively for each error, calculate the total error score.


AoC 2021 Day 5: Linear Avoidinator

Source: Hydrothermal Venture

Part 1: Given a list of lines, find the number of integer points which are covered by more than one line (ignore non-vertical and non-horizontal lines).

Okay. Start with the data structures:

class Point:
    x: int
    y: int

class Line:
    p1: Point
    p2: Point

    def is_vertical(self):
        return self.p1.x == self.p2.x

    def is_horizontal(self):
        return self.p1.y == self.p2.y

    def is_orthagonal(self):
        return self.is_vertical() or self.is_horizontal()

    def points(self):
        # TODO: handle lines that aren't vertical, horizontal, or diagonal

        xd = 0 if self.p1.x == self.p2.x else (1 if self.p1.x < self.p2.x else -1)
        yd = 0 if self.p1.y == self.p2.y else (1 if self.p1.y < self.p2.y else -1)

        p = self.p1
        while p != self.p2:
            yield p
            p = Point(p.x + xd, p.y + yd)

        yield p

Dataclasses are great. They give you constructors and a bunch of other things for free. On top of that, if you specify frozen=True, making them immutable, you also get hashable types for free (which I’ll use in the problem).

Perhaps the most interesting bit here is the function that will iterate through the points in a List. Specifically, it will figure out the x and y delta (xd and yd) and repeatedly add that until you hit the end point.

Note: this only works for lines that are vertical, horizontal, or diagonal (at 45 degrees). Anything else needs a better line drawing algorithm (of which there are a few). If we need it, I’ll implement it.

Next, use that to parse:

def parse(file: TextIO) -> List[Line]:
    result = []

    for line in file:
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = [int(v) for v in line.replace(' -> ', ',').split(',')]
        result.append(Line(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2)))

    return result

The input format is x1,y1 -> x2,y2, but it’s easier to split and convert if we do it all directly. There are a few other ways we could have done this: splitting on anything non-numeric or using a regular expression / something else for parsing directly. But I think this is clear enough.

And with all that, the problem is actually pretty short:

def part1(file: typer.FileText):

    lines = parse(file)
    counter: MutableMapping[Point, int] = collections.Counter()

    for line in lines:
        if not line.is_orthagonal():

        for point in line.points():
            counter[point] += 1

    print(sum(1 if count > 1 else 0 for point, count in counter.items()))

We’ll use the built in collections.Counter datatype, since that’s exactly what we’re doing: counting things. Then just iterate over every line, skip the non-orthagonal ones, iterate over every point, and count them up. At the end, print the number that we saw more than once. Et voila.

$ python3 part1 input.txt