The earliest memory I have of ‘programming’ is in the early/mid 90s when my father brought home a computer from work. We could play games on it … so of course I took the spreadsheet program he used (LOTUS 123, did I date myself with that?) and tried to modify it to print out a helpful message for him. It … halfway worked? At least I could undo it so he could get back to work…

After that, I picked up programming for real in QBASIC (I still have a few of those programs lying around), got my own (junky) Linux desktop from my cousin, tried to learn VBasic (without a Windows machine), and eventually made it to high school… In college, I studied computer science and mathematics, mostly programming in Java/.NET, although with a bit of everything in the mix. A few of my oldest programming posts on this blog are from that time.

After that, on to grad school! Originally, I was going to study computational linguistics, but that fell through. Then programming languages (the school’s specialty). And finally I ended up studying censorship and computer security… before taking a hard turn into the private sector to follow my PhD advisor.

Since then, I’ve worked in the computer security space at a couple of different companies. Some don’t exist any more, some you’ve probably heard of. I still program for fun too, and not just in security.

But really, I still have a habit of doing a little bit of everything. Whatever seems interesting at the time!

Crosslinks by Title in Hugo--But Better!

Once upon a time, I solved Crosslinks by Title in Hugo. Back then, I added a shortcode so that I could link to any post by title like this:

{{< crosslink "Title goes here" >}}

It worked pretty well, but … it never really felt ‘Markdown’y. Which I suppose was the point.

But more recently, I came across Markdown render hooks.

What’s that you say? I can write code that will take the parameters to any Markdown link (or image/heading/codeblock) and generate the HTML with a custom template?



StackLang Part IX: Better Testing

Two posts in two days? Madness! Posts in StackLang: StackLang Part I: The Idea StackLang Part II: The Lexer StackLang Part III: The Parser StackLang Part IV: An Interpreter StackLang Part V: Compiling to C StackLang Part VI: Some Examples StackLang Part VII: New CLI and Datatypes StackLang Part VIII: Compiler Stacks StackLang Part IX: Better Testing But really, it got a bit late yesterday so I figured I’d split this into two different posts.


StackLang Part VIII: Compiler Stacks

Let’s continue StackLang Part VII: New CLI and Datatypes and implement lists stacks in the compiler! Posts in StackLang: StackLang Part I: The Idea StackLang Part II: The Lexer StackLang Part III: The Parser StackLang Part IV: An Interpreter StackLang Part V: Compiling to C StackLang Part VI: Some Examples StackLang Part VII: New CLI and Datatypes StackLang Part VIII: Compiler Stacks StackLang Part IX: Better Testing In this post:


StackLang Part VII: New CLI and Datatypes

Another day, another Stacklang! Posts in StackLang: StackLang Part I: The Idea StackLang Part II: The Lexer StackLang Part III: The Parser StackLang Part IV: An Interpreter StackLang Part V: Compiling to C StackLang Part VI: Some Examples StackLang Part VII: New CLI and Datatypes StackLang Part VIII: Compiler Stacks StackLang Part IX: Better Testing Today, we’ve got two main parts to work on: A new CLI New datatypes (VM only; so far!


StackLang Part VI: Some Examples

We’ve gone through all sorts of things building up the StackLang language so far: Posts in StackLang: StackLang Part I: The Idea StackLang Part II: The Lexer StackLang Part III: The Parser StackLang Part IV: An Interpreter StackLang Part V: Compiling to C StackLang Part VI: Some Examples StackLang Part VII: New CLI and Datatypes StackLang Part VIII: Compiler Stacks StackLang Part IX: Better Testing But what can we actually do with it?


StackLang Part II: The Lexer

StackLang, part 2: lexing.

It’s quite often the simplest part of implementing a programming language (although parsers for s-expression based languages come close), but it’s still something that needs done. So here we go!


StackLang Part I: The Idea

I enjoy writing programming languages. Example: Tiny. Let’s do that again.

This time, StackLang:

  @[n fact]
  { n 1 - $fact fact n * }
  N 1 <= if
} @fact

5 $fact fact writeln

Bit of gibberish there, I suppose, but the goal is to write everything in a postfix/stack based model. So n 1 - $fact fact n * is equivalent to fact(fact, n - 1) * n in a more traditional language.

Over the next few posts, I hope to write up where I am thus far and what’s next.