The earliest memory I have of ‘programming’ is in the early/mid 90s when my father brought home a computer from work. We could play games on it … so of course I took the spreadsheet program he used (LOTUS 123, did I date myself with that?) and tried to modify it to print out a helpful message for him. It … halfway worked? At least I could undo it so he could get back to work…

After that, I picked up programming for real in QBASIC (I still have a few of those programs lying around), got my own (junky) Linux desktop from my cousin, tried to learn VBasic (without a Windows machine), and eventually made it to high school… In college, I studied computer science and mathematics, mostly programming in Java/.NET, although with a bit of everything in the mix. A few of my oldest programming posts on this blog are from that time.

After that, on to grad school! Originally, I was going to study computational linguistics, but that fell through. Then programming languages (the school’s specialty). And finally I ended up studying censorship and computer security… before taking a hard turn into the private sector to follow my PhD advisor.

Since then, I’ve worked in the computer security space at a couple of different companies. Some don’t exist any more, some you’ve probably heard of. I still program for fun too, and not just in security.

But really, I still have a habit of doing a little bit of everything. Whatever seems interesting at the time!

AoC 2024 Day 17: Virtual Machininator

Source: Day 17: Chronospatial Computer

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Implement a virtual machine. The machine will have 3 unbounded signed registers, 8 opcodes (see below), a variable parameter scheme (see below that). You will be given the initial values of the 3 registers and a program. Find the final output.


0adv reg/valA = A >> OP
1bxl valB = B ^ OP
2bst reg/valB = OP & 0b111
3jnz valIf a =/= 0, jump to LIT
4bxc ignoreB = B ^ CStill takes param, but ignores it
5out reg/valOutput bOnly outputs lowest 3 bits
6bdv reg/valB = A >> OPSame as adv but writes to b
7cdv reg/valC = A >> OPSame as adv but writes to c

Parameter specification

For instructions that can take reg/val, 0 to 3 (inclusive) are treated as literal values, 4 is register A, 5 is B, 6, is C, and 7 is an error (should never happen).

For instructions that only take val, it’s always a literal value in the range 0 to 7 (inclusive).


AoC 2024 Day 14: Chaosinator

Source: Day 14: Restroom Redoubt

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Given a series of robots defined with initial position and velocity on a 101x103 toroidal grid, calculate where the robots will be after 100 iterations. Return the product of the number of robots in each quadrant of the final grid, ignoring the middle lines (since they’re odd).


AoC 2024 Day 11: Exponential Growthinator

Source: Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Given a sequence of values v_n, replace each value with the first matching rule:

  • if v = 0 -> 1
  • If v has an even number of digits, split it (so v = 8675 becomes [86, 75])
  • Otherwise, v -> v * 2024

Calculate how many elements are in the sequence after 25 iterations.


AoC 2024 Day 9: Defraginator

Source: Day 9: Disk Fragmenter

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Given a disk layout alternating between files and empty spaces, move all files as early on the disk is possible, splitting into multiple blocks. Return a checksum on the disk.

Alternating means: 23331 would mean a 2 block file, 3 empty, a 3 block file, 3 empty, and a 1 block file.

The checksum is the sum of file_id * block_index for all occupied blocks. File IDs are assigned sequentially on initial generation.