Advent of Code 2018

Let’s do it again! I’m starting a day late, but much better than last year 😄!

This time around, I’m hoping to solve each problem in both Python and Racket, both to show an example of how the languages differ and … well, because I can 😇.

EDIT 2018-12-05: Yeah… I’m not actually going to do these in both Racket and Python. The solutions are ending up being near direct translations. Since there are probably fewer people solving these in Racket, I’ll do that first and Python eventuallyâ„¢.

As always, these problems are wonderful to try to solve yourself. If you agree, stop reading now. This post isn’t going anywhere.

If you’d like to see the full form of any particular solution, you can do so on GitHub (including previous years and possibly some I haven’t written up yet): jpverkamp/advent-of-code


Tupper's self-referential formula

Quick post today. Let’s implement Tupper's self-referential formula in Racket!

\frac{1}{2} < \left \lfloor mod \left ( \left \lfloor \frac{y}{17} 2^{-17 \lfloor x \rfloor - mod(\lfloor y \rfloor, 2)} \right \rfloor, 2 \right ) \right \rfloor
(tupper 960939379918958884971672962127852754715004339660129306651505519271702802395266424689642842174350718121267153782770623355993237280874144307891325963941337723487857735749823926629715517173716995165232890538221612403238855866184013235585136048828693337902491454229288667081096184496091705183454067827731551705405381627380967602565625016981482083418783163849115590225610003652351370343874461848378737238198224849863465033159410054974700593138339226497249461751545728366702369745461014655997933798537483143786841806593422227898388722980000748404719)

That’s the result of graphing the above function at a point rather far away from the origin. Specifically, where y is around that crazy big number. Look familiar?


A Quick Look at RC4

In cryptography work, RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4) is well known as both one of the easiest to implement and fastest to run symmetric encryption algorithms. Unfortunately, over time there have been a number of attacks on RC4, both in poorly written protocols (such as in the case of WEP) or statistical attacks against the protocol itself.

Still, for how well it formed, it’s an amazingly simple algorithm, so I decided to try my hand at implementing it.


Generating perfect portmanteaus

A quick programming post, since it’s been a while, inspired by this video:

I’m not going to go quite as far as that, but I thought it would be interesting to write up some quick code to generate portmanteaus1.