AoC 2017 Day 6: Tightrope

Source: Memory Reallocation

Part 1: Start with n stacks of different sizes. Take the largest block and distribute its items starting with n+1 and looping around. How many iterations of this does it take before you see a state you’ve seen before?


AoC 2017: Library Functions

As mentioned in the main post, I’m structuring my solutions a bit differently this year. Rather than repeating the same relatively lengthy header in each function, we’re going to have a few shared files that can be imported or used for every problem.


AoC 2016 Day 23: Assembunny2

Source: Safe Cracking

Part 1: Take the assembunny interpreter from day 12 and add an instruction (tgl X) that modifies the code at an offset of X instructions.

  • inc becomes dec; any other one argument instruction (including tgl) becomes inc
  • jnz becomes cpy; any other two argument instructions become jnz
  • Toggling an instruction outside of the program does nothing (it does not halt execution)
  • If toggling produces an invalid instruction, ignore it

Run the given program with the initial register of a = 7. What is the final value in register a?