As I’ve previously noted, I’ve been writing a fair bit recently. Everything that I write is stored in a series of plain text files (actually here and it requires the here.
As I’ve previously noted, I’ve been writing a fair bit recently. Everything that I write is stored in a series of plain text files (actually here and it requires the here.
…but if you have an unfair coin, you can fix it!
Based on this post over at Lauren Ipsum, you can use statistics to make any unfair coin (defined as something that can return either heads or tails with some arbitrary but constant percent chance) into a fair one with a 50/50 chance of heads or tails.
Since deciding that I cannot use MATLAB because of the additional addons necessary to use webcams, I have been deciding between C# and Python as the next language to try. I’ve settled on Python for the time being, using VideoCapture to connect to the webcams and Numpy to process the data. It turns out that Python + VideoCapture + Numpy is actually rather similar in functionality and syntax to MATLAB with its image processing library.
During the computer architecture class I took at Rose-Hulman, we were working with a simple assembly language that we had to compile by hand down to MIPS bytecode and that’s no fun (also there’s nothing not worth over doing 😄). So I decided to write a program that would allow for modular XML definitions of a language or translation and run it on pretty much any given code.
Back in the first quarter of my Freshman year at Rose-Hulman, we wrote a small Java program called BallWorlds. The idea was to teach us about objects and inheritance by asking us to make a 2d simulation of balls of various types bouncing around in an enclosed environment. There could be balls that bounced off each other, sticky balls that clumped together, balls that grew when they hit something, and really any combination there of. The sky was the limit. The idea so intrigued me that when I was playing with OpenGL (and specifically PyOpenGL), I decided to rewrite the same thing in Python.