Ludum Dare 26 - VTanks - Results

The voting period for Ludum Dare 26 has ended, which means that now we have some results! Before I post my own, take a moment to check out the overall leaders. Given that there were 2346 games submitted (1610 in the compo and 736 in the jam), there are bound to be some real gems in there.


VTanks for Ludum Dare 26

So when I got home, I decided that I really didn’t want to miss another Ludum Dare. Granted, there was only about two hours left in the competition. I’m good, but I’m not that good. 😄

Also, I really wanted to make a web-based game, which meant either write another game in Java (suboptimal) or learn how to write a game in Flash or JavaScript. Nothing like a last minute decision to use an unfamiliar framework and write a game in less than 24 hours. 😄

In the end, I did it in six.