Extending my EC2 script

Another quick post.

What feels like a lifetime ago, I wrote a post about finding ec2 instances by name. I honestly use that script just about every day, mostly for automatically finding instances to SSH to (a la SSH config tricks). But there are a few other quick things I’ve done with it:

  • ec2-script - Run a script on all instances of a given name
  • ec2-disk - A specialization of ec2-script to check main disk usage
  • terminate - A script that I use with ec2 to terminate instances from the command line
  • ec2-cycle - Slow cycle a given set of ec2 instances by terminating so many per minute

All of which are included in my dotfiles.


Docker Magic - Arbitrary docker runtimes in place

A quick post today.

I find myself working with a surprising number of different languages/environments day to day. In the last week, I’ve worked with PHP, Python, Go, Ruby, and Javascript. And different versions of several of those. While I could install something like virtualenv for Python / rbenv for Ruby / etc, I already have a tool exactly designed for this sort of thing: Docker!


Deep Dreams with Fish and Docker

DeepDream is a research project originally from Google that gives you a look into how neural networks see the world. They’re fascinating, bizarre, and a lot of fun to play with. A bit of work getting them to work on your own machine though.

Luckily, GitHub user saturnism has put together a lovely Docker-based tool that will do just that for us: deepdream-cli-docker. Unfortunately, the commands are still a bit long. Let’s clean it up a bit and add the ability to dream about non-JPGs (animated GIFs especially!).


Making Fish Shell Smile

When working in a shell, from time to time, I need to know if a command succeeded or failed. Sometimes, it’s easy:

$ make noise

make: *** No rule to make target `noise'.  Stop.

Sometimes, less so:

$ grep frog podcasts.json > podcasts-about-frogs.txt

Since, alas, I don’t have any podcasts about frogs, that command would fail silently. But that’s fixable!

$ grep frog podcasts.json > podcasts-about-frogs.txt

$ # Bash/Zsh
$ echo $?

$ # Fish
$ echo $status