The colors of fall, mostly but not all around the Rose-Hulman campus.
As a class trip (Religion & Ecology) through Rose-Hulman, myself, over a dozen other students, and two professors embarked on a pair of pilgrimages in Europe. The first set of pictures (posted last night) is in England. This set comes from the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
As a class trip (Religion & Ecology) through Rose-Hulman, myself, over a dozen other students, and two professors embarked on a pair of pilgrimages in Europe. This set of pictures details the first of the two: From Rochester to Cantebury in England. We also had a few days at the beginning in London. The second set is from the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
As a class trip (Religion & Ecology) through Rose-Hulman, myself, over a dozen other students, and two professors embarked on a pair of pilgrimages in Europe. This set of pictures details the first of the two: From Rochester to Cantebury in England. We also had a few days at the beginning in London. The second set is from the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
The second preparation hike (for me) for the class pilgrimage trip to England and Spain. This time, we went to McCormick’s Creek, although with the recent rain, it got rather interesting.
A set of pictures taken in my grandparent’s basement at the family Easter celebration.
The first real snowfall of the year for Terre Haute. I looked out around 9:30 and it was too nice out not to take pictures.