I had an empty laundry basket in my room. Of course Elvis immediately took ownership.
I had an empty laundry basket in my room. Of course Elvis immediately took ownership.
We found this site while Geocaching a few days ago. It seemed like such a neat place, I had to come back to get these pictures.
For our summer vacation in two parts, the second loop was to South (and than North) Carolina and back through the Virginias. Quite a drive, especially up the coastline.
For our summer vacation in two parts, we started with a drive from Indiana to a family friend’s daughter’s graduation party in Texas. Most of the pictures are from Beale St. in Memphis and Graceland on the way back.
Shots from a school organized trip to Ireland. It’s quite an interesting place to visit. Started with over 700 shots, combined and deleted down to just over 200. It’s my largest set so far, larger even than both sets from the Pilgrimage trip together.
Two games of Frisbee Golf (Nov 22 & 27) at the Patoka Lake course. And some related pictures of course.
Two composite shots of the entire Olinger Thanksgiving 2009. All 49 of us (with me behind the camera).