A set of myself and Aurora. There aren’t so terribly others many that actually have my face, so it works out. :)
A set of myself and Aurora. There aren’t so terribly others many that actually have my face, so it works out. :)
In the space of 15 minutes we went from perfectly blue to torrential downpour with hail enough to cover the yard then back to perfectly clear. Kind of crazy, all things considered. But there’s Indiana for you.
A set of myself and Aurora. There aren’t so terribly others many that actually have my face, so it works out. :)
New Year’s Eve Eve at my parent’s house. Since we were heading back up for New Year’s we had a few sparklers and fireworks early. ’twas a perfect opportunity to break out my DSLR for the first time in far too long.
This will be a random set of pictures that don’t really go anywhere else. Most will be taken while I’m wandering about (as I tend to do :)
A new set of experimenting with light painting while out on a walk in Bloomington, IN.