I play … a lot of board games. This year has been hard to do that in person1, but I still get a chance from time to time. Most recently, I played Century: A New World.2
One component I really love that came with that game was a set of four small plastic bowls that hold the various goods (colored wooden cubes). It’s… kind of brilliant. There are a few other games that could use something like that (cough cough Lords of Waterdeep)… and I have a 3D printer. Let’s make some!

In my ever going quest to make only a design or two with each CAD program, this time I’m actually trying out FreeCAD. It actually seems to work most similiarly to what I used to use years ago, where you create a sketch and then put constraints on it, so getting back into it was a breeze. And it doesn’t save via the Cloud3. So that’s a plus.
It’s actually a pretty easy design too:

A 1mm thick surface (using equals
constraints to make sure they’re all the same if I change any one of them), a small indentation so it’s not resting completely flat on the table, and a pair of arcs centered on the same point. The three main dimensions (15mm
, 30mm
, and 35mm
in the sketch above) are all editable and you can make many sizes. That’s how I ended up with the small cup first, when I accidently miswrote the sizes and the larger cup that I actually am using.
It’s fun to print these too. You do want supports (although it might work without them), but they’re minimal and the cup pops right off. I like the result, it looks cool:

I should probably clean that.
Now a day of printing later and I have four of them! Woot. Lords of Waterdeep, here we come!
There’s just something about the tactile sensation that online solutions like Tabletopia and BoardGameArena(https://boardgamearena.com/) miss out on. ↩︎
I should review games too. As likely to be read as anything else I do and I like looking back. :) ↩︎
Seriously Fusion 360, what’s up with that? ↩︎