Well that was a fun show. Created by the Michael Schur (who also did the Good Place, check it out!) and with many overlapping cast members from the Good Place, I had high hopes.
When I learned that it was about a man learning to live in an assisted living center, I … wasn’t sure. Was there a supernatural element?
And then when it dropped (in the first episode and all the promotional materials, so I don’t see it as a spoiler) that he’s going in to assisted living as a SPY! Well, I’m intriuged.
It’s a fun show, hilarious at times (especially with just how bad Charles is at all this) and sad at others (it’s about old folks. Death, loneliness, and memory loss are just part of it). But it’s quite the ride all the way through.
I do love the cast, Ted Danson as Charles is amazing. I enjoyed Mary Elizabeth Ellis as his daughter Emily, even if her family troubles were a weird B plot. Lilah Richcreek Estrada as Julie did ‘I’m going to solve this problem whatever it takes’ wonderfully, and it was fascinating to see Stephanie Beatriz as head of staff Didi. I really need to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine at some point…
And then all of the old folks inhabiting those halls… Man those were some performances. I honestly didn’t recognize any of them from other roles but I expect there are some well known names in there.
Overall, it’s a wonderful show and goes by quick. Well worth the watch!
Episode by episode thoughts (potential spoilers for previous episodes!):
1. Tinker Tailor Older Spy
Both Michael and Shawn from The Good Place?!
Julie: Charles, behind you, at six o’clock, is an entire women’s softball team.
He’s not a very good spy.
Charles: Nice to meet you.
Woman: Nice to meet you.
Man: Bye.
Julie: So I feel like they noticed you.
Charles: Yeah.
Or good at lying low.
Charles: I’ll take all your peaches. Man: Really? Charles: Yeah. … Julie: Did you just buy all his peaches? Charles: Yeah. Julie: I’m not reimbursing you for this.
I do love the dialog.
Julie: Keep it together, man. You ready?
Charles: Well, I don’t know, but it hardly matters. What matters is you think I’m ready.
Julie: Oh, I don’t think that at all. You’re not remotely ready, but we ran out of time.
And so it begins!
2. The Man Who Knew Too Much About Bridges
He’s in! And blending in!
Yeah, I met a ton of people, but I… I was very discreet. Blended right in. Julie: There’s an entire pizza stuck to your back.
Well, blending in maybe. Subtle is not his strong suit.
multiple Helen’s
Charles: If we’re making a list of suspects, I would put her name right at the top.
Charles: Julie, Jan is dead.
One of the hazards of the job I suppose… the deadpan delivery was wonderful though.
I think I might be terrible at this.
I think you might be right. But it makes for fun TV.
What’s more likely?
That you and Joel, two smart and lovely people, poured your lives into raising those kids, somehow both failed?
Or that they did something stupid because teenagers are stupid?
3. The Emily Always Rings Twice
I didn’t expect the twice this meant… That’s hilarious.
Elliott: Something happened, all right.
My watch was stolen!
By my sexual rival.
… that is quite the dynamic. Even know what I’ve read (sometimes wish I hadn’t) about nursing homes.
Charles: Hey, you told me to find a hobby.
Emily: I meant yoga, not espionage.
It’s certainly a hobby!
4. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Painting Class
Calbert! He’s a lot of fun.
Charles: Once I asked her how her day was going, and she pulled the alarm on me.
Calbert: She did that to me too.
Charles: Huh.
Calbert: I thought she was racist.
Charles: That’s oddly refreshing.
You know, fair?
Because I just laundered those sheets that were on the bed in which I shat.
I’m just going to leave that one totally without context.
5. Presents and Clear Danger
Julie: The thief didn’t take a watch.
Charles: They left a watch.
Julie: Elliott’s watch.
Charles: The one that got stolen right after I moved in.
Julie: You know what that means.
Charles: I hope. ‘Cause I don’t.
Elliot: And you know me. I’m a nice guy. Charles: You punched me in the face.
I do enjoy their relationship as weird as it is.
6. Our Man in Sacramento
The one with the maybe a big change… and talking about feelings.
Didi: [laughs] God. Do you guys ever stop merging and acquiring and downsizing and restructuring?
Boss: [laughs] Not really. No.
Didi: Great. They eating us, or are we eating them?
Boss: Well, it’s a strategic partnership.
Didi: They’re eating us.
Corporate shenanigans.
Emily: I’m bad at it. You know?
Talking to him about… emotional stuff.
I’m just…
I’m bad at it.
Joel: Jesus, hon. No one’s good at it.
Emily: It’s impossible.
Joel: It’s just… either you’re a person who does it, or you’re a person who doesn’t do it.
And you’re just trying to be a person who does it.
And that’s awesome.Joel: I love you, and I’m so happy we’re married.
Emily: Bro, who even is this?
Joel: [laughs] Uh…
Emily: Bro, it’s your wife, Emily.
Joel: Oh, right!
Emily: Well, I love you too, bro.
For the B-plot, I do enjoy those two, as weird as they are. Perhaps because as weird as they are?
Charles: Honestly, I don’t think we need to worry.
I think… I think, like, all… complex, layered, emotional problems… this will probably just… work itself out.
Uh huh.
7. From Russian Hill With Love
The one where it all comes to a head.
And then you show them undeniable proof, and they just crumble to dust. Their confidence shattered, their ego just dashed against the craggy boulders of their own deceit.
Sounds… fulfilling.
Charles: Sounds… fulfilling.
Charles: You ready to walk across?
[wonderful music]
[music stops abruptly]
Calbert: I think I get it.
Charles: Yeah.
Calbert: That’s a really long bridge.
Charles: Now, let’s get back to that fancy car.
They’re just so wonderful together. It’s such a contrast to what we know is going on back with Julie right now/then.
But instead of getting better like it used to, it just hurts forever.
So, you ignore it.
Then the words start to leave you.
The nouns.
Goddamn nouns.
You know… I’m half their age and I already get that one.
8. The Spy Who Came In From The Cold
The finale.
Oh the finale.
Julie: Look, I was just doing my job.
Didi: You lied to get into my building.
You accused my staff of a serious crime.
My staff puts up with more shit in one day than you do in a month of tailing adulterers and tax cheats.
True enough.
It’s just that Didi… She’s the director.
She told me that for most seniors, the biggest threat to their well-being was not an illness or an accident.
It was loneliness.
Oh this show.
And at the very end–open for a second season! Woo!