11 years. 1300 book reviews. 170 movies. 100 seasons of TV shows.
That’s so ridiculous when you write it out. It’s kind of neat how something builds up if you just keep doing it over time.
Posts in Year in Reviews:
In any case, I enjoy collecting stats on various things and sharing them out. Both as a way to look back and remember for myself and in the hope that someone else finds it interesting and/or shares anything new/interesting I haven’t seen!
Overall this year:
- Read 298 books
- Watch 17 seasons of TV
- Watched 11 movies
- Played 227 different (85 new) board games a total of 1313 times
- Played 37 games on steam (24 new) and made it to 100% Achievements on 101 of them
Table of Contents
This wasn’t quite as impressive a year when it comes to reading as compared to last year… but it’s still a ton, so that’s all right. 😄
By type of book:
- 196 total books
- 140 novels (~1 ever 3 days, 111 pages/day; up from last year)
- 28 graphic novels/comics (way down from reading all of Ultimate Marvel Universe last year 😄)
- 11 were children’s novels
- 7 were non-fiction (up from last year!)
- 7 were short stories
- 3 were novellas
Basically, if it was long enough to read in more than one session and I write a review of it, I count it!
By format,
- 120 were digital (ebooks and graphic novels/comics)
- 70 were audiobooks
- 6 were physical!
I very very read physical books for myself, so actually picking up Wonderland as a hardback from the library (while waiting in line to vote) was a nice experience. Ebook readers are still amazing tech though.
The other 5 were all children’s books. Some of those books have been out of print long enough, they just don’t have digital versions, which was an interesting finding.
- Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - 1006 pages
- The Empire of Gold - 766 pages
- Jade Legacy - 713 pages
- Fairy Gifts - 54 pages
- Star of David - 50 pages
- Seeing Eye - 36 pages
The shorter 3 were all three Mercy Thompson shorts from the Shifting Shadows anthology. I probably could/should have treated that all as one book.
By year, I read 2 books published this year and 5 last year:
- Winter Lost - 2024; this is why I read the Mercy Thompson books again this year
- How to ADHD: An Insider's Guide to Working with Your Brain - 2024
- Hypermedia Systems - 2023
- Cave of Bones: A True Story of Discovery, Adventure, and Human Origins - 2023
- Things in the Basement - 2023
- The Sinister Booksellers of Bath - 2023
- Mooses with Bazookas: And Other Stories Children Should Never Read - 2023
Amusing that 3 of the 7 non-fiction books were in this category!
On the other end, I have 6 books published before 1990:
- Chaos: Making a New Science - 1988
- Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - 1955
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm - 1954
- The Dragons of Blueland - 1951
- Elmer and the Dragon - 1950
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic - 1949
- My Father's Dragon - 1948
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle - 1947
And there’s another of the non-fiction!
By genre (with some overlap):
- Fantasy - 170
- Science Fiction - 108
- Adventure - 92
- Aliens - 67
- Animals - 67
- Urban Fantasy - 49
- Romance - 39
- Magic - 38
- Paranormal - 36
- Shapeshifters - 32
- War - 28
Those 67 ‘Aliens’ and ‘Animals’? The Animorphs. 😄 That’s actually 2/3 of the science fiction as well.
I once again tend to rate somewhat higher than ‘average’. I tend to read books that I think I’ll like and continue series I’m already liking. So I have:
- 117 ✭✭✭✭✭
- 58 ✭✭✭✭
- 19 ✭✭✭
- 2 ✭✭
And finally, by series:
Only 26 books were standalone
- Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians (2 of 6)
- Good to the Last Death (1 of 12; do not intend to continue)
- Little House (1 of 6 this year; don’t really read these in order)
- Rivers of London (3 of 14, counting novellas; ongoing)
- Spider-Gwen (first 5; got distracted by Advent of Code 2024)
- Spider-Man 2099 Classic (first 2; won’t continue for now)
- The Aurelian Cycle (first 1; the rest are On Hold)
- The Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books (read only #14, we’ll see if we come back to this)
- The Never Tilting World (first 1; may eventually pick back up)
- The Siege (1 of 3)
- Wayside School (1 of 4 (apparently?!))
- NUMA Files (read 5-8 of 21; not currently planning to continue them)
- The Mysterious Benedict Society (#3 this year; probably won’t read #4)
- Jane Yellowrock (7 of 15)
- The Memoirs of Lady Trent (2-6 this year)
Completely this year:
- Alpha & Omega / Mercy Thompson (6 + 13 plus novellas and shorts; reread all but the newest)
- Animorphs (64, counting all of the companion books)
- Binti (3 novellas)
- Firebird (3)
- Left-Handed Booksellers of London (2)
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (5)
- Ms. Marvel (10)
- My Father's Dragon (3)
- New Crobuzon (3; barely)
- Sea of Trolls (3)
- Star Wars (2015) (13)
- The Daevabad Trilogy (3)
- The Green Bone Saga (3; reread the first two)
- The Quantum Evolution (3)
And finally, re-reads. Last year, I managed to only re-read 3 books… this year I reread all of the Mercy Thompson books along with the Animorphs (although it’s been easily 15-20 years). Between those two, that’s 88 books / 45% of my reads. Amusing to see that so different.
Personal Favorites
My personal favorites (feel free to reach out for ones I may have rated lower, but that you might like):
- All of the Mercy Thompson series (also Alpha & Omega) - there’s a reason I’ve read them 5 times all through (so far)
- The Quantum Evolution series - they’re odd sort of soft sci-fi, but I loved the worldbuilding, especially the different branches of new humanity
- The Green Bone Saga - fantasy based on a mostly modern alternate world with Jade based magic focusing on Japanese clan inspired gang warfare; it’s amazing how much the books grow over the series as well
- The Daevabad Trilogy - it starts as ‘what if daeva and jinn etc’ and grows so much beyond that; again, it’s fascinating how different (and good!) the three books feel with one consistent story
Full list
All ~200? Here you go (by order read)!
Click here to skip to TV or click here to go back to the top.
Posts in 2024 Book Reviews:
- The Invasion Animorphs #1
- The Visitor Animorphs #2
- The Encounter Animorphs #3
- The Message Animorphs #4
- The Predator Animorphs #5
- The Capture Animorphs #6
- Lost City NUMA Files #5
- The Stranger Animorphs #7
- The Andalite's Gift Animorphs #7.5 Megamorphs #1
- My Father's Dragon My Father's Dragon #1
- The Alien Animorphs #8
- Elmer and the Dragon My Father's Dragon #2
- The Dragons of Blueland My Father's Dragon #3
- The Secret Animorphs #9
- The Android Animorphs #10
- Dark Heir Jane Yellowrock #9
- The Forgotten Animorphs #11
- The Reaction Animorphs #12
- The Andalite Chronicles Animorphs #12.5 Animorphs Chronicles #1
- The Change Animorphs #13
- The Rhai Book
- Hypermedia Systems
- The Escape Animorphs #15
- Cave of Bones: A True Story of Discovery, Adventure, and Human Origins
- Shadow Rites Jane Yellowrock #10
- The Warning Animorphs #16
- The Underground Animorphs #17
- Polar Shift NUMA Files #6
- The Decision Animorphs #18
- Star Wars Vol. 7: The Ashes of Jedha Star Wars (2015) #7 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2018-03-03 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.7
- In the Time of Dinosaurs Animorphs #18.5 Megamorphs #2
- The Departure Animorphs #19
- Star Wars Vol. 8: Mutiny at Mon Cala Star Wars (2015) #8 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2018-08-07 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.8
- The Discovery Animorphs #20
- The Threat Animorphs #21
- The Solution Animorphs #22
- The Hork-Bajir Chronicles Animorphs #22.5 Animorphs Chronicles #2
- The Pretender Animorphs #23
- Star Wars Vol. 9: Hope Dies Star Wars (2015) #9 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2018-12-12 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.9
- The Suspicion Animorphs #24
- The Extreme Animorphs #25
- The Attack Animorphs #26
- The Exposed Animorphs #27
- The Experiment Animorphs #28
- Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's
- Born on a Blue Day
- The Sickness Animorphs #29
- Elfangor's Secret Animorphs #29.5 Megamorphs #3
- The First Journey Alternamorphs #1
- The Reunion Animorphs #30
- The Conspiracy Animorphs #31
- The Illusion Animorphs #33
- The Separation Animorphs #32
- The Prophecy Animorphs #34
- The Proposal Animorphs #35
- The Mutation Animorphs #36
- The Navigator NUMA Files #7
- VISSER Animorphs #35.5 Animorphs Chronicles #3
- The Weakness Animorphs #37
- The Arrival Animorphs #38
- The Hidden Animorphs #39
- The Other Animorphs #40
- Back to Before Animorphs #40.5 Megamorphs #4
- The Familiar Animorphs #41
- Cold Reign Jane Yellowrock #11
- Medusa NUMA Files #8
- The Journey Animorphs #42
- The Test Animorphs #43
- The Unexpected Animorphs #44
- The Revelation Animorphs #45
- The Deception Animorphs #46
- The Resistance Animorphs #47
- The Return Animorphs #48
- The Never Tilting World The Never Tilting World #1
- The Diversion Animorphs #49
- The Ultimate Animorphs #50
- The Absolute Animorphs #51
- The Sacrifice Animorphs #52
- The Answer Animorphs #53
- The Ellimist Chronicles Animorphs #53.5 Animorphs Chronicles #4
- The Beginning Animorphs #54
- Star Wars Vol. 10: The Escape Star Wars (2015) #10 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2019-04-09 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.1
- Star Wars Vol. 11: The Scourging of Shu-Torun Star Wars (2015) #11 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2019-08-20 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.11
- Star Wars Vol. 12: Rebels and Rogues Star Wars (2015) #12 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2019-11-19 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.12
- Star Wars Vol. 13: Rogues and Rebels Star Wars (2015) #13 Marvel Star Wars * Star Wars (All - Release Order) #2020-03-17 Star Wars (All - Chronological Order) #4.13
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal Ms. Marvel (2014) #1
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 2: Generation Why Ms. Marvel (2014) #2
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 3: Crushed Ms. Marvel (2014) #3
- Dark Queen Jane Yellowrock #12
- The Tropic of Serpents The Memoirs of Lady Trent #2
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 4: Last Days Ms. Marvel (2014) #4
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 5: Super Famous Ms. Marvel (2014) #5
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 6: Civil War II Ms. Marvel (2014) #6
- 2024 Book Bingo
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 7: Damage Per Second Ms. Marvel (2014) #7
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 8: Mecca Ms. Marvel (2014) #8
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 9: Teenage Wasteland Ms. Marvel (2014) #9
- Ms. Marvel, Vol. 10: Time and Again Ms. Marvel (2014) #10
- Jade Legacy The Green Bone Saga #3
- Mooses with Bazookas: And Other Stories Children Should Never Read
- The Voyage of the Basilisk The Memoirs of Lady Trent #3
- The Haunting of Hill House
- The Quantum Magician The Quantum Evolution #1
- Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City The Siege #1
- The Quantum Garden The Quantum Evolution #2
- Shattered Bonds Jane Yellowrock #13
- The Quantum War The Quantum Evolution #3
- The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings *
- The Left-Handed Booksellers of London Left-Handed Booksellers of London #1
- A Thousand Pieces of You Firebird #1
- Little House in the Big Woods Little House #1
- The Sinister Booksellers of Bath Left-Handed Booksellers of London #2
- True Dead Jane Yellowrock #14
- S.H.I.E.L.D., Volume 1: Perfect Bullets S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1
- In the Labyrinth of Drakes The Memoirs of Lady Trent #4
- The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma The Mysterious Benedict Society #3
- Ten Thousand Skies Above You Firebird #2
- A Million Worlds with You Firebird #3
- Within the Sanctuary of Wings The Memoirs of Lady Trent #5
- Final Heir Jane Yellowrock #15
- Things in the Basement
- Spider-Man 2099 Classic, Vol. 1 Spider-Man 2099 Classic #1
- The City of Brass The Daevabad Trilogy #1
- Turning Darkness Into Light The Memoirs of Lady Trent #6
- Winter Lost Mercy Thompson #14 Mercy Thompson World #20
- Spider-Man 2099 Classic, Vol. 2 Spider-Man 2099 Classic #2
- Gods of Jade and Shadow
- Electric Storm The Magic School Bus Science Chapter Books #14
- Journey to the Center of the Earth
- Providence
- Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
- Binti Binti #1
- Home Binti #2
- The Night Masquerade Binti #3
- The Sea of Trolls Sea of Trolls #1
- Sideways Stories from Wayside School Wayside School #1
- The Land of the Silver Apples Sea of Trolls #2
- The Islands of the Blessed Sea of Trolls #3
- The Ballad of Black Tom
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Mrs. Piggle Wiggle #1
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic Mrs. Piggle Wiggle #2
- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm Mrs. Piggle Wiggle #3
- Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Mrs. Piggle Wiggle #4
- Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Mrs. Piggle Wiggle #5
- It's A Wonderful Midlife Crisis Good to the Last Death #1
- Chaos: Making a New Science
- Perdido Street Station New Crobuzon #1
- Bunny
- The Kingdom of Copper The Daevabad Trilogy #2
- Fireborne The Aurelian Cycle #1
- Other Minds
- Rivers of London Rivers of London #1
- How to ADHD: An Insider's Guide to Working with Your Brain
- Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians #1
- Spider-Gwen, Vol. 0: Most Wanted? Spider-Gwen (2015) #0.5 Spider-Gwen *
- Spider-Gwen, Vol. 1: Greater Power Spider-Gwen (2015) #1 Spider-Gwen *
- Spider-Women Spider-Verse: Collected Editions #1.1 Spider-Gwen (2015) #1.5 Spider-Gwen *
- Spider-Gwen, Vol. 2: Weapon of Choice Spider-Gwen (2015) #2 Spider-Gwen *
- The Scar New Crobuzon #2
- Spider-Gwen, Vol. 3: Long-Distance Spider-Gwen (2015) #3 Spider-Gwen *
- Spider-Gwen, Vol. 4: Predators Spider-Gwen (2015) #4 Spider-Gwen *
- Spider-Man/Spider-Gwen: Sitting in a Tree Spider-Man: Miles Morales #2.5 Spider-Gwen (2015) #3.5 Spider-Gwen *
- Moon Over Soho Rivers of London #2
- Wonderland
- Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener's Bones Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians #2
- Whispers Under Ground Rivers of London #3
- Iron Council New Crobuzon #3
- The Empire of Gold The Daevabad Trilogy #3
- 2024 Year in Reviews
A relatively quiet year for TV this year:
- 4 seasons of For All Mankind - Wonderful alternate reality sci-fi; from the USSR winning the race to the moon up to living on Mars in roughly the 2010s. Worth a watch! I can’t wait for season 5.
- Seasons 2-6 of Black Mirror - This one varies wildly from amazing to meh, but overall, a fascinating series to watch.
- Taskmaster + Taskmaster NZ - Still watching in a semi-random order; now with more NZ. I love this show.
- Doctor Who - I’ve watched up part of the way through 12 previously. Realizing how much I’ve missed… well, it’s time for a rewatch. 1 season so far.
- The Rings of Power: Season 2 - It’s so pretty. Just try not to know how much they’re changing from the source material? And also how stupid everyone in the show is from time to time.
Full list
Posts in 2024 TV Reviews:
- For All Mankind: Season 1 For All Mankind #1
- Black Mirror: Season 2 Black Mirror #2
- Taskmaster: Series 13 Taskmaster #13 Taskmaster (All) #2022.04
- Taskmaster: Series 14 Taskmaster #14 Taskmaster (All) #2022.09
- Black Mirror: Season 3 Black Mirror #3
- Black Mirror: Season 4 Black Mirror #4
- Black Mirror: Season 5 Black Mirror #5
- For All Mankind: Season 2 For All Mankind #2
- Taskmaster: Series 15 Taskmaster #15 Taskmaster (All) #2023.03
- Taskmaster: Series 16 Taskmaster #16 Taskmaster (All) #2023.09
- Black Mirror: Season 6 Black Mirror #6
- Doctor Who: Season 1 Doctor Who #1
- Taskmaster NZ: Series 3 Taskmaster NZ #3 Taskmaster (All) #2022.07
- For All Mankind: Season 3 For All Mankind #3
- For All Mankind: Season 4 For All Mankind #4
- 2024 Year in Reviews
And I thought I got away from movies last year (with 11)… Well, here’s the 7. And I watched all but 2 of those in the last month or so.
Posts in 2024 Movie Reviews:
I should probably make more time for movies. They’re nicely self contained2.
Board Games
I still haven’t actually gotten around to reviewing board games, but I do have a ton of fun stats from Board Game Stats.
Overall: 1313 plays of 227 different games; 85 new to me.
Specifically on Board Game Arena:
- 1211 plays of 178 games (62 new to me) total
- 1040 plays of 170 games (46 new to me) turn based
- 171 plays of 58 games (16 new to me) real time
In real life:
- 95 plays of 64 games (21 new!)
Down a bit this year.
My most played games were:
- Cartographers (31)
- Draftosaurus (28)
- Ark Nova (26)
- SpellBook (25 new)
- Alhambra (24)
- Harmonies (24 new)
- Biomos (23 new)
- Nidavellir (22)
- Metro (22 new)
- Welcome To… (22)
Overall, I played 18 games 18 times each, so I have an H-Index this year of 18! I could easily have gotten that to 19 (all 3 currently at 18 are short games), but so it goes. It’s amusing that this is the same as last year.
I played with 53 different people in real life. Mostly immediate family, but I have 21/16/12 games with the top three people I’m not related to.
This year, I’m at 450 wins (34%), so right about the same as last year.
I played the most in March-May and again in August-September, but nothing dramatically different.
Steam Games

Compared to last year, I played a bit less, although the mix is definitely different this year.
For one, Factorio: Space Age released! Yeah, I spent a while on that this year.
Otherwise, I spent a lot of time on Roguelites and puzzle hunting achivement games this year.
- Backpack Hero - Now out in full release with a story mode; I still think I like the single run mode better; but I liked it enough to 100% it!
- Balatro - Man this game is addictive. Poker, the roguelite, but it’s so much more.
- Bio Prototype - Removed from Steam for publisher issues at some point, but looks like it might be coming back.
- Dungeon Clawler - A newer (early access) claw machine roguelite. It’s fun how different plays are.
- LONESTAR - A fun mathy sci-fi turn based fighting game
- Peglin - I had 100% in this one during early access. It’s Peggle, as a roguelite!
Puzzle games:
- A Good Snowman Is Hard to Build - A snowman themed block pusher; solved: A Good Snowman Is Hard To … Solve?
- Cosmic Express - Route finding puzzle pushing around cute aliens; solver (incomplete): Solving Cosmic Express
- Golf Peaks - Cute little puzzle game based roughly on minigolf; solved: The Golf (Peaks) of Solving
- Ouros - Quick puzzle game based on drawing bezier curves
- Snakebird Primer - An ’easier’ version of Snakebird; same state of Rust Solver.
- Snakebird - Snake but as a turn based puzzle game; solver: Solving Snakebird; I’m working on rewriting this as one of my Rust Solvers
- Sokobond Express - Sokobond but on a rail; this actually makes it harder to solve
- Sokobond - A block pushing puzzle based on bonding atoms into molecules;
- Yugo Puzzle - A block pusher with merging and gravity; working on a solver
Factory games:
- Beltmatic - A simlified factory game designed around doing math to numbers 😄
- Factorio1 - Factorio.
- Shapez - A ‘pure’ factory game based on combining shapes; I’m looking forward to trying Shapez 2 at some point
Games that I got 100% achievements in:
- A Good Snowman Is Hard to Build - A snowman themed block pusher; solved: A Good Snowman Is Hard To … Solve?
- Backpack Hero - Now out in full release with a story mode; I still think I like the single run mode better; but I liked it enough to 100% it!
- Beltmatic - A simlified factory game designed around doing math to numbers 😄
- Bio Prototype - Removed from Steam for publisher issues at some point, but looks like it might be coming back.
- Factorio1 - Factorio.
- Golf Peaks - Cute little puzzle game based roughly on minigolf; solved: The Golf (Peaks) of Solving
- Ouros - Quick puzzle game based on drawing bezier curves
- Shapez - A ‘pure’ factory game based on combining shapes; I’m looking forward to trying Shapez 2 at some point
- Sokobond - A block pushing puzzle based on bonding atoms into molecules;
- Snakebird - Snake but as a turn based puzzle game; solver: Solving Snakebird; I’m working on rewriting this as one of my Rust Solvers
- Snakebird Primer - An ’easier’ version of Snakebird; same state of Rust Solver.
Factorio… man, that’s going to be something to get all the new ones.
Sometimes. Marvel Cinematic Universe. ↩︎