Source: Day 24: Crossed Wires
Full solution for today (spoilers!).
Part 1
Given a collection of gates of the form
arg0 (AND|OR|XOR) arg2 -> out
and input values of formx**
, what is the value ofz**
interpreted as a binary number?
Okay, first we’re going to represent Operators
and Wires
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Operator {
impl From<&str> for Operator {
fn from(value: &str) -> Self {
match value.to_ascii_uppercase().as_str() {
"AND" => Self::And,
"OR" => Self::Or,
"XOR" => Self::Xor,
_ => panic!("Invalid operator: {}", value),
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Wire<'input> {
Function(Operator, &'input str, &'input str),
Then store these in a Machine
with parsing:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Machine<'input> {
wires: HashMap<&'input str, Wire<'input>>,
impl<'input> From<&'input str> for Machine<'input> {
fn from(input: &'input str) -> Self {
let mut wires = HashMap::new();
for line in input.lines() {
if line.contains(':') {
let (key, value) = line.split_once(": ").unwrap();
let value = value == "1";
wires.insert(key, Wire::Input(value));
if line.contains("->") {
let mut parts = line.split_ascii_whitespace();
let arg0 =;
let op =;
let arg1 =;; // Skip the ->
let result =;
wires.insert(result, Wire::Function(op, arg0, arg1));
Self { wires }
Now, we have a pair of functions. One will recursively determine the value of a single output wire:
impl<'input> Machine<'input> {
pub fn value_of(&self, wire: &'input str) -> bool {
match self.wires.get(wire).unwrap() {
Wire::Input(value) => *value,
Wire::Function(op, arg0, arg1) => {
let arg0 = self.value_of(arg0);
let arg1 = self.value_of(arg1);
match op {
Operator::And => arg0 & arg1,
Operator::Or => arg0 | arg1,
Operator::Xor => arg0 ^ arg1,
And the other will take all wires with a specific prefix, sort them, and combine that into a binary number:
impl<'input> Machine<'input> {
pub fn value_of_prefixed(&'input self, prefix: char) -> usize {
let mut binary = String::new();
for wire in self.wires().sorted().rev() {
if wire.starts_with(prefix) {
binary.push(if self.value_of(wire) { '1' } else { '0' });
usize::from_str_radix(&binary, 2).unwrap()
That’s a long way of saying the problem is…
#[aoc(day24, part1, v1)]
fn part1_v1(input: &str) -> u128 {
let machine = Machine::from(input);
machine.value_of_prefixed('z') as u128
Originally, I had a value_of
function that took &mut self
and would cache the values of each wire as we calculated it, so we don’t have to recursively calculate values more than once, but it turns out…
$ cargo aoc --day 24 --part 1
AOC 2024
Day 24 - Part 1 - v1 : 60714423975686
generator: 416ns,
runner: 338.709µs
It’s already sub-millisecond. It’s not really necessary.
Part 2
Your circuit is supposed to implement a ripple carry adder, but 4 pairs of wires have been swapped. Find those four pairs; output them sorted and comma delimited.
Brute force
All right. I know it’s not going to work, but let’s implement it anyways!
First, the ability to swap two wires:
impl<'input> Machine<'input> {
pub fn swap(&mut self, a: &'input str, b: &'input str) {
let old_b = self.wires[b];
let old_a = self.wires[a];
self.wires.insert(a, old_b);
self.wires.insert(b, old_a);
And then try it:
#[aoc(day24, part2, bruteforce)]
fn part2_bruteforce(input: &str) -> String {
let machine = Machine::from(input);
let x = machine.value_of_prefixed('y');
let y = machine.value_of_prefixed('x');
let target_z = x + y;
let mut dependency_cache = HashMap::new();
for wire in machine.wires() {
let result = machine
.filter(|w| !w.starts_with('x') && !w.starts_with('y'))
.map(|wires| {
let mut machine = machine.clone();
machine.swap(wires[0], wires[1]);
machine.swap(wires[2], wires[3]);
machine.swap(wires[4], wires[5]);
machine.swap(wires[6], wires[7]);
if machine.value_of_prefixed_loopcheck('z')? == target_z {
} else {
.find(|result| result.is_ok())
Keen eyed observers will notice that there’s a slight difference: value_of_prefixed_loopcheck
. That’s because it’s possible (likely even) for swapping any two wires to lead to a situation where you have loops in the wiring.
impl<'input> Machine<'input> {
pub fn value_of_prefixed_loopcheck(&'input self, prefix: char) -> Result<usize, ()> {
let mut binary = String::new();
for wire in self.wires().sorted().rev() {
if wire.starts_with(prefix) {
binary.push(if self.value_of_loopcheck(wire)? { '1' } else { '0' });
usize::from_str_radix(&binary, 2).map_err(|e| ())
pub fn value_of_loopcheck(&self, wire: &'input str) -> Result<bool, ()> {
fn recur<'input>(me: &Machine, wire: &'input str, checked: Vec<&str>) -> Result<bool, ()> {
if checked.contains(&wire) {
return Err(())
let mut next_checked = checked.clone();
match me.wires.get(wire).unwrap() {
Wire::Input(value) => Ok(*value),
Wire::Function(op, arg0, arg1) => {
let arg0 = recur(me, arg0, next_checked.clone())?;
let arg1 = recur(me, arg1, next_checked.clone())?;
Ok(match op {
Operator::And => arg0 & arg1,
Operator::Or => arg0 | arg1,
Operator::Xor => arg0 ^ arg1,
recur(self, wire, vec![])
In both cases, we spend the extra effort to check if we every visit the same wire more than once, returning an Err
if we do.
Unfortunately, there are a ton of combinations to check if we’re going to check them all…
$ cat input/2024/day24.txt \
| egrep -o '\w{3}' \
| egrep -v '^x|^y|AND|OR|XOR' \
| sort | uniq | wc -l
$$P(222, 8) = \frac{222!}{(222-8)!} \approx 5.2 x 10^18$$
That’s 5 quintillion. If you could evaluate a case every nanosecond (which is at least an order of magnitude too fast), it would take 60,000 days to check all of those. That’s 164 years.
Yeah, I’m not just going to let that one run.
Visualizing the problem
Okay. Let’s actually look at the problem. Rendering it with GraphViz is probably a good place to start:
impl<'input> Graph<'input> {
fn wire_to_graphviz(&self, wire: &str) -> Vec<String> {
match self.wires[wire] {
Wire::Input(value) => vec![format!(" {wire} [label=\"{wire}={value}\"];")],
Wire::Function(op, arg0, arg1) => vec![
format!(" {wire} [label=\"{wire}={op:?}\"];"),
format!(" {wire} -> {arg0};"),
format!(" {wire} -> {arg1};"),
pub fn to_graphviz(&self) -> String {
pub fn to_graphviz_limited(&self, limit: usize) -> String {
let mut dot = String::new();
dot.push_str("digraph {\n");
dot.push_str(" compounded=true;\n");
dot.push_str(" rankdir=LR;\n");
let mut added = HashSet::new();
let mut by_output: HashMap<&str, HashSet<&str>> = HashMap::new();
for output in self
.filter(|w| w.starts_with('z'))
let deps = self.depends_on(output);
for dep in deps {
if !added.contains(&dep) {
for (output, deps) in by_output.iter().sorted_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(b.0)) {
" subgraph cluster_{output} {{\n label=\"{output}\";\n\n",
output = output
for line in self.wire_to_graphviz(output) {
for dep in deps.iter().sorted() {
for line in self.wire_to_graphviz(dep) {
dot.push_str(" }\n");
That’s a lot of code to render out a .dot
file that GraphViz can then render.
digraph {
subgraph cluster_z00 {
z00 [label="z00=Xor"];
z00 -> y00;
z00 -> x00;
x00 [label="x00=true"];
y00 [label="y00=true"];
z00 [label="z00=Xor"];
z00 -> y00;
z00 -> x00;
// ...
If you’re just looking at the first 7 output bits, we have:

… right. We were even told that we were implementing a ripple carry adder. Looking even at this picture, we can see that each block currently does / should look exactly the same (examples from z03
- Two
s based on the previous block:cdr
which is thecarry
ripple carryhjh
which is thecarry
from the input- These are
- An
of our bits:fph
- A final
to get the resultingx03
Already, we can see a pair of weird ones around z05
/ z06
. The former is too small (and an AND
instead of an XOR
), so that’s almost certainly the first of the problems. Scanning through the large image (below), z11
/ z12
jumps out as another. The other two are sneakier, I did see a swapped AND
in z38
, but that was more luck than anything.
Let’s see if we can work with this though…
In case you’re curious, here’s the entire thing as a giant SVG:
One other thing we know is that changes have to be local. If they were from radically different parts of the circuit, you’d end up with
This swaps njs
and nwb
and you can see it.
Actually solving it
Okay, we know that that it’s supposed to be a ripple carry adder and we know what each block is supposed to look like–plus that there are no huge swaps.
So what we need to is basically go through each bit, build what the structure should be, and check that we have that!
#[aoc(day24, part2, findadder)]
fn part2_findadder(input: &str) -> String {
let machine = Machine::from(input);
let bits = machine.wires().filter(|w| w.starts_with('x')).count();
fn find_op<'input>(
machine: &'input Machine,
op: Operator,
input1: Option<&'input str>,
input2: Option<&'input str>,
) -> Option<&'input str> {
if input1.is_none() || input2.is_none() {
return None;
for (&output, &wire) in machine.wires.iter() {
if let Wire::Function(found_op, found_input1, found_input2) = wire {
if found_op == op
&& ((found_input1 == input1.unwrap() && found_input2 == input2.unwrap())
|| (found_input1 == input2.unwrap() && found_input2 == input1.unwrap()))
return Some(output);
let mut carry = None;
let mut swaps = vec![];
for bit in 0..bits {
// New bits we're adding in
let xin = Some(machine.wire_name(&format!("x{:02}", bit)));
let yin = Some(machine.wire_name(&format!("y{:02}", bit)));
// The combinations of just those bits
let mut adder = find_op(&machine, Operator::Xor, xin, yin);
let mut next = find_op(&machine, Operator::And, xin, yin);
// Output should end up being zN and next_carry is the only value passed on
let mut output = None;
let mut next_carry = None;
// Every bit after the first one 😄
if carry.is_some() {
let mut result = find_op(&machine, Operator::And, adder, carry);
if result.is_none() {
swaps.push((adder, next));
std::mem::swap(&mut adder, &mut next);
result = find_op(&machine, Operator::And, adder, carry);
// This should be zN
output = find_op(&machine, Operator::Xor, adder, carry);
// Check if any of the wires are actually the z bit and swap them
if adder.is_some_and(|a| a.starts_with('z')) {
swaps.push((adder, output));
std::mem::swap(&mut adder, &mut output);
if next.is_some_and(|a| a.starts_with('z')) {
swaps.push((next, output));
std::mem::swap(&mut next, &mut output);
if result.is_some_and(|a| a.starts_with('z')) {
swaps.push((result, output));
std::mem::swap(&mut result, &mut output);
// Calculate what our next carry will be
next_carry = find_op(&machine, Operator::Or, next, result);
// As long as we're not the end, check if the output and carry are swapped
if bit != (bits - 1) && next_carry.is_some_and(|a| a.starts_with('z')) {
swaps.push((next_carry, output));
std::mem::swap(&mut next_carry, &mut output);
// Pass along the carry to the next chunk of the adder
carry = if carry.is_some() { next_carry } else { next };
.flat_map(|(a, b)| vec![a.unwrap(), b.unwrap()])
That… is quite a bit of code. I’m honestly as surprised as you are that the first time I ran it:
$ cargo aoc --day 24 --part 2
AOC 2024
Day 24 - Part 2 - findadder : cgh,frt,pmd,sps,tst,z05,z11,z23
generator: 583ns,
runner: 578.459µs
$ cargo aoc bench --day 24
Day24 - Part1/v1 time: [158.71 µs 159.53 µs 160.51 µs]
Day24 - Part2/findadder time: [229.35 µs 230.37 µs 231.53 µs]