There are way too many storylines in this show. For episodes at a time, we may not see elves. Or dwarves. Or Gandalf-but-still-not-Gandalf. I keep getting to the start of an episode and thinking ‘oh hey, we haven’t seen them in a while’. But the interesting thing is that I got to the end of the episodes!
Overall, it’s what we saw in the first season, but even more so. There are so many different threads and events–things separated by decades if not centuries in the original works all crammed together.
But on the other hand, we get more rings! (Up from zero 😄) We get bigger battles! (Not quite Helm’s Deep, but close) More Tom Bombadil! (You’ll just have to watch to see if you think I’m making that one up) And we get more … humanized orcs with families and children? I’m … not entirely sure what to think about it.
Overall… it mostly reminds me just good the Peter Jackson movies were. But it’s certainly watchable and I’ll catch whatever season(s) come next. Onward!
Episode by episode (minor spoilers, especially as the seasons go by):
1. Elven Kings Under the Sky
Elves! They start to realize who Sauron is and what a mess they’ve gotten themselves in for…
Interesting to fill in a bit of backstory for Sauron. Humanizing him… while at the same time driving home just how not human he is.
Also totally-Gandalf on a quest or something!
2. Where the Stars are Strange
Dwarves! That’s a cool line. I always wondered about lighting something like that. Stone signing from all that way? Bit weird.
White Cloaks and a dark wizardly looking sort… I have no idea who these people are.
Gandalf and the Harfoots… (Harfeet?) remain weird. Also a gand is not a thing. Heavy handed way to a name me thinks.
And Elves. And their Rings.
Judge the work, and leave judgment concerning those who wrought it to the Judge who sees all things
3. The Eagle and the Sceptre
Oh hey. Isildur. That one has plot armor!
I do not remember any of the Numenor plot of the first season. Why is the Queen Regent blind?
And then Bronwyn is dead. I looked that one up. Apparently she left the show… and the billion dollar budget wasn’t enough to prevent that?
Dwarven Rings! And at what cost? What cost to refuse?
4. Eldest
Galadriel and Elrond have a weird relationship.
Not-Gandalf, looking for his not-Hobbits. And runs into … Tom Bambadil of all people? (Eldest! That was weird.)
Oh. And even more (different!) not-Hobbits.
Ents. Entwives?!
Weird world.
Trying to fit everything in again this season feels like.
5. Halls of Stone
The King, the savior of the Mountain!
What could possibly go wrong?
Nine rings for Men? Nay, says Lord Celebrimbor.
What could possibly go wrong?
Delving. Too greedy. Too deep.
What could possibly go wrong?
I feel like Ar-Pharazôn was conflicted but reasonably intentioned up until now. And then suddenly he (and Kemen) are suddenly right up twisted.
You know the drill.
6. Where is He?
Tom Bombadil: Many that die deserve life. Some that live deserve death Who are you to give it to them? The Stranger: Once I know that she’s safe, I could return to you. Tom Bombadil: No. You cannot. There are times when one path becomes two, and you must choose.
More than a bit Yoda and Luke there. 😃
Durin IV: Have you gone mad? King Durin: The whole world’s gone mad, my son. But it is to us to grip it by the throat.
Uh oh.
7. Doomed to Die
Almost done! Both the Nine and the season!
The whole plot line of the orcs and Adar being the almost “good” guys, arrayed against Sauron? So weird. But also kind of awesome.
Galadriel is probably right though. Elrond should have completed his charge…
8. Shadow and Flame
How did it even get down there in the first place?
Also betrayals! E tu Glüg?
Sauron collecting the crown once again! Quite stabby that.
And… Grand-Elf.