AoC 2024 Day 10: Take-a-Hikinator

Source: Day 10: Hoof It

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Given a heightmap (0 to 9), for each 0 count how many 9 you can reach on paths that only ever increase height by exactly 1 at a time. Sum these values.

We’re just reading a Grid of heights, so that part is easy enough:

fn parse(input: &str) -> Grid<u8> {
    Grid::read(input, &|c| c.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u8)

First thought to solve this:

#[aoc(day10, part1, search)]
fn part1_search(input: &Grid<u8>) -> u32 {
        .filter(|(_, &v)| v == 0)
        .map(|(p, _)| {
            // For each 0, search for how man 9s are reachable
            let mut checked = Grid::new(input.width, input.height);
            let mut queue = vec![p];
            let mut nines_reached = 0;

            while let Some(p) = queue.pop() {
                if input.get(p) == Some(&9) {
                    nines_reached += 1;
                    continue; // no points higher than 9

                    .filter(|&p2| {
                            && input.get(p).unwrap() + 1 == *input.get(*p2).unwrap()
                    .for_each(|p2| {
                        if !checked.get(*p2).unwrap_or(&false) {
                            checked.set(*p2, true);


That’s fairly elegant code if I do say so myself. On the outer level, we’ll filter for only the 0s, then the map contains the search.

This is plenty for this test and relatively fast:

$ cargo aoc --day 10 --part 1

AOC 2024
Day 10 - Part 1 - dynamic : 659
	generator: 20.5µs,
	runner: 340.208µs

Day 10 - Part 1 - dynamic_tupled : 659
	generator: 6.75µs,
	runner: 73.042µs

If you want to watch it go, I did make a nice little rendering of it:

The dark red points are the paths as we scan outwards from each point with the 9s highlighted in brighter red.

Optimization 1: Using dynamic programming

Okay, I think that we can do a bit better than this. The realization comes partly from part 2, but also from looking at that pretty picture and realizing: there may be paths from multiple 0 that join together at any point up their hike before getting to a 9; possibly splitting off. We’re duplicating all that effort!

So instead, let’s try a solution that uses dynamic programming:

  • Initialize each 9 with a Set containing itself
  • For 8 down to 0:
    • For each point of this height, find all neighbors one higher than ourselves; store the union of each of those sets

Because of the Set, this means that if you can reach the same 9 two different ways, it will only be counted once. When you get down to 0, each one will have a Set of the 9 reachable by it, so some the counts of those.

But… I don’t really need to use a Set (since we’ve already seen that hashing can be surprisingly expensive). Instead, let’s make a bitmap where each 9 has a unique bit set. The problem with this… is that we have more than 128 9s in the puzzle (I expect this is intentional).

Originally, I used the bitvec crate to solve this, but on looking, it appears that we have ~230 9s in our puzzle, so let’s store the state as (u128, u128) (and explicitly fall back to the search above if our puzzle input so happens to have more than 256 entries):

#[aoc(day10, part1, dynamic_tupled)]
fn part1_dynamic_tupled(input: &Grid<u8>) -> usize {
    let mut trail_counts: Grid<(u128, u128)> = Grid::new(input.width, input.height);

    // Flag each 9 with a unique bit
    let mut index = 0;
    input.iter_enumerate().for_each(|(p, &v)| {
        if v == 9 {
                if index < 128 {
                    (1 << index, 0)
                } else {
                    (0, 1 << (index - 128))
            index += 1;

    // Failsafe just in case we have more than 256 nines
    if index > 256 {
        return part1_search(input) as usize;

    // For each height, we're going to OR the bits of reachable 9s together
    for height in (0..=8).rev() {
        input.iter_enumerate().for_each(|(p, &v)| {
            if v == height {
                        .filter(|&p2| input.get(*p2).is_some_and(|&v| v == height + 1))
                        .map(|&p2| *trail_counts.get(p2).unwrap())
                        .reduce(|(a1, a2), (b1, b2)| (a1 | b1, a2 | b2))
                        .unwrap_or((0, 0)),

    // Sum the ratings of the 9s
        .filter(|(_, &v)| v == 0)
        .map(|(p, _)| {
            let &(a, b) = trail_counts.get(p).unwrap();
            a.count_ones() as usize + b.count_ones() as usize

Because we have the tuple, we do end up with this wacky line:

.reduce(|(a1, a2), (b1, b2)| (a1 | b1, a2 | b2))

But I think it still works out well enough.

And it is faster!

$ cargo aoc --day 10 --part 1

AOC 2024
Day 10 - Part 1 - search : 659
	generator: 7.958µs,
	runner: 111.917µs

Day 10 - Part 1 - dynamic : 659
	generator: 20.5µs,
	runner: 340.208µs

Day 10 - Part 1 - dynamic_tupled : 659
	generator: 6.75µs,
	runner: 73.042µs

Almost 2x speedup. The dynamic version in the middle there is the bitvec solution.

If you’d like to see roughly how this solution works:

The red for each pixel is how many 9s you can reach, getting brighter as you collect more of them.

Just to show a bit more dramatically how much faster the dynamic algorithm can be, here are both videos side by side:

It’s not a perfect comparison, since the amount of actual work done per frame isn’t exactly the same, but it’s pretty close.

Optimization 2: Smarter bitmasks

I realized after writing most of this up but before publishing it: We don’t actually need globally unique bitmasks! Because each 9 can only be reached by a 0 at most 8 tiles away from it, we can store them all in a u128:

#[aoc(day10, part1, dynamic_smart)]
fn part1_dynamic_smart(input: &Grid<u8>) -> usize {
    let mut trail_counts: Grid<u128> = Grid::new(input.width, input.height);

    // Flag each 9 with a unique bit
    // The bits only have to be unique within 10 tiles of each other
    // So within a 10x10 area, assign to that bit
    input.iter_enumerate().for_each(|(p, &v)| {
        if v == 9 {
            let mask = 1u128 << ((p.x % 10) + (p.y % 10) * 10);
            trail_counts.set(p, mask);


Originally, I was only using an 8x8 area (thus a u64), but that doesn’t quite work, since it’s possible for two 9s that are right on the edges of that to get the same ID and thus get missed. Out of 659, this missed 2.

But… does it actually perform any better?

$ cargo aoc --day 10 --part 1

AOC 2024
Day 10 - Part 1 - dynamic_tupled : 659
	generator: 7.166µs,
	runner: 80.084µs

Day 10 - Part 1 - dynamic_smart : 659
	generator: 7.666µs,
	runner: 77.709µs


I think it’s worth it when comparing complexity though. The mask generation is a bit more complicated, but the algorithm itself is cleaner. (the reduce is just .reduce(|a, b| a | b)).

Part 2

Instead of counting reachable 9s, count how many unique paths there are to any 9.

This actually ends up being a lot easier to do with dynamic programming:

#[aoc(day10, part2, dynamic)]
fn part2_dynamic(input: &Grid<u8>) -> u32 {
    let mut ratings = Grid::new(input.width, input.height);

    // All 9s can be reached one way
    input.iter_enumerate().for_each(|(p, &v)| {
        if v == 9 {
            ratings.set(p, 1);

    // For each height, we're going to sum the ratings of all points one higher
    for height in (0..=8).rev() {
        input.iter_enumerate().for_each(|(p, &v)| {
            if v == height {
                        .filter(|&p2| input.get(*p2).is_some_and(|&v| v == height + 1))
                        .map(|p2| ratings.get(*p2).unwrap_or(&0))

    // Sum the ratings of the 0s
        .filter(|(_, &v)| v == 0)
        .map(|(p, _)| ratings.get(p).unwrap())

This time, we’re going to start at the 9s and initialize that we can get to each one 1 way. Then as we go from 8 to 1 the same way, we just have to add the neighboring values together. This represents ‘how many ways can we get to any different 9 via each neighbor’.

The video for this one ends up mostly the same as what I did for part 1:

Colorscale changed entirely to be confusing 😄. Red is lower, blue is higher.


$ cargo aoc bench --day 10

Day10 - Part1/search            time:   [65.198 µs 66.052 µs 67.339 µs]
Day10 - Part1/dynamic           time:   [278.43 µs 280.80 µs 283.53 µs]
Day10 - Part1/dynamic_tupled    time:   [42.502 µs 43.356 µs 44.197 µs]
Day10 - Part1/dynamic_smart     time:   [41.415 µs 42.406 µs 43.625 µs]

Day10 - Part2/dynamic           time:   [34.976 µs 36.044 µs 37.158 µs]

Part 2 faster than part 1. Funny. Although it makes sense, we don’t have to deal with the mask generation and + should be as fast as | (might even be faster, since you potentially don’t have to deal with all of the bits?).