AoC 2024 Day 3: Mulinator

Source: Day 3: Mull It Over

Full solution for today (spoilers!).

Part 1

Given a string containing (among other gibberish) commands of the form mul({A}, {B}) where {A} and {B} are integers, calculate the sum of A*Bs.

Simple parsing, ignoreing other input? Seems like a job for a regular expression!

#[aoc(day3, part1, regex)]
fn part1_regex(input: &str) -> u32 {
    let re = Regex::new(r"mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)").unwrap();

        .map(|c| c[1].parse::<u32>().unwrap() * c[2].parse::<u32>().unwrap())

Yup, that’s it. Create a regex that matches the literal mul(, a number (it does specify in the problem that they’re 1-3 digits, which is actually unusual for AoC to specify), the ,, another number, and then the ). Then, for each, parse as u32, multiply, and sum at the end.

cargo aoc --day 3 --part 1

Day 3 - Part 1 - regex : 174336360
	generator: 83ns,
	runner: 1.4465ms

What!? Milliseconds?!

We can do better.

Optimization 1: Use nom

Okay, regular expressions are cool and all, but let’s try something a bit lower level. Like… parser combinators! Enter nom.


#[aoc(day3, part1, nom)]
fn part1_nom(input: &str) -> u32 {
        anychar::<_, (_, nom::error::ErrorKind)>,
            separated_pair(complete::u32, tag(","), complete::u32),
    .map(|(_, (a, b))| a * b)

That’s a bit of a mess, but it’s expecting:

  • many1 - multiple inputs
  • many_till - each of which can have any number of any character (anychar) before them
    • (Side note: The typechecker needed some help here, which I wasn’t thrilled with)
  • Then, delimited by char( and ), we have a pair of u32, separated by a ,

Take that, unwrap (ignore!) any errors, drop any remaining input (the .1), and map each many1 result. In there, we drop the anychar and only keep the pair as (a, b). Bit crazy looking, but that’s it.

$ cargo aoc --day 3 --part 1

Day 3 - Part 1 - regex : 174336360
	generator: 83ns,
	runner: 1.4465ms

Day 3 - Part 1 - nom : 174336360
	generator: 292ns,
	runner: 424.75µs

So how does it perform? Twice as fast! And we’re back under 1ms.

But I think we can do even better.

Optimization 2: Manual parsing / state machine

nom is a parser combinator library and, as such, has a ton of function calls, error handling, and backtracking built in. But for what we’re doing, we don’t need any of that.

Instead, let’s manually write a loop with a state machine to do our parsing:

#[aoc(day3, part1, iterator)]
fn part1(input: &str) -> u32 {
    let input = input.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();

    enum State {

    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut a = 0;
    let mut b = 0;

    let mut state = State::Scanning;
    let mut index = 0;

    loop {
        match state {
            State::Scanning => {
                if input[index..].starts_with(&['m', 'u', 'l', '(']) {
                    state = State::ReadingA;
                    a = 0;
                    b = 0;
                    index += 3;
            State::ReadingA => {
                if input[index] == ',' {
                    state = State::ReadingB;
                } else if input[index].is_ascii_digit() {
                    a = a * 10 + input[index] as u32 - '0' as u32;
                } else {
                    state = State::Scanning;
                    index -= 1; // Recheck incase we start another mul
            State::ReadingB => {
                if input[index] == ')' {
                    sum += a * b;
                    state = State::Scanning;
                } else if input[index].is_ascii_digit() {
                    b = b * 10 + input[index] as u32 - '0' as u32;
                } else {
                    state = State::Scanning;
                    index -= 1; // Recheck incase we start another mul

        index += 1;
        if index >= input.len() {


In this case, we start in Scanning until we find a mul(. Once we do, we are ReadingA until we see a , sending us to ReadingB or bad input, sending us back to Scanning. Then, the same for ReadingB until we see the ). If we get that far, add the product to the sum and back we go!

It’s… quite a bit longer and I would argue not nearly as easy to read. And unless you are dealing with many (many) inputs, you really do want something a bit simpler than this. Is that the regex above? Well, that depends I suppose on how easy you think regex are to read.

But it is faster:

$ cargo aoc --day 3 --part 1

AOC 2024

Day 3 - Part 1 - regex : 174336360
	generator: 83ns,
	runner: 1.4465ms

Day 3 - Part 1 - nom : 174336360
	generator: 292ns,
	runner: 424.75µs

Day 3 - Part 1 - iterator : 174336360
	generator: 14.791µs,
	runner: 124.834µs

That’s another ~3x speedup even over the nom solution, 6x as fast as our regex. That’s pretty neat.

Part 2

Add two additional commands:

  1. When you see don't(), ignore all mul(...) commands
  2. When you see do(), start paying attention to them again

Okay. That’s easy enough to parse with our regular expressions, but when it comes to actually keeping state and evaluating this, it’s a bit trickier.

What we really want for something that runs across a list of input and keeps state is to swap out our map for fold:

#[aoc(day3, part2, regex)]
fn part2_regex(input: &str) -> u32 {
    let re = Regex::new(r"mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)|do\(\)|don't\(\)").unwrap();

        .fold((0, true), |(sum, capturing), cap| match &cap[0] {
            "do()" => (sum, true),
            "don't()" => (sum, false),
            _ if capturing => (
                sum + cap[1].parse::<u32>().unwrap() * cap[2].parse::<u32>().unwrap(),
            _ => (sum, capturing),

For each element, we’ll keep track of a (sum, capturing) flag. do and don't don’t do anything but they do change the status of the flag. mul is the only other case, but now we only bother parse::<u32> and summing if we’re capturing.

Then, drop the flag with the .0 and we’re golden!

I bet you can see where this is going next though 😄.

For this, I just skipped nom and went straight to the state machine form:

#[aoc(day3, part2, iterator)]
fn part2(input: &str) -> u32 {
    let input = input.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();

    enum State {

    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut a = 0;
    let mut b = 0;

    let mut state = State::Scanning;
    let mut index = 0;

    loop {
        match state {
            State::Scanning => {
                if input[index..].starts_with(&['m', 'u', 'l', '(']) {
                    state = State::ReadingA;
                    a = 0;
                    b = 0;
                    index += 3;
                } else if input[index..].starts_with(&['d', 'o', 'n', '\'', 't', '(', ')']) {
                    state = State::Disabled;
                    index += 6;
            State::Disabled => {
                if input[index..].starts_with(&['d', 'o', '(', ')']) {
                    state = State::Scanning;
                    index += 3;
            State::ReadingA => {
                if input[index] == ',' {
                    state = State::ReadingB;
                } else if input[index].is_ascii_digit() {
                    a = a * 10 + input[index] as u32 - '0' as u32;
                } else {
                    state = State::Scanning;
                    index -= 1; // Recheck incase we start another mul
            State::ReadingB => {
                if input[index] == ')' {
                    sum += a * b;
                    state = State::Scanning;
                } else if input[index].is_ascii_digit() {
                    b = b * 10 + input[index] as u32 - '0' as u32;
                } else {
                    state = State::Scanning;
                    index -= 1; // Recheck incase we start another mul

        index += 1;
        if index >= input.len() {


For the most part, the parser is the same as what we’ve seen before, but there are a few additional states and cases to consider:

  • We only case about don't() if we’re in the Scanning state; this will swap us into the new Disabled state
  • If we’re in that state, only look for do() to go back to Scanning – by ignoring mul entirely in this state, we should gain a bit more performance

Running them both:

$ cargo aoc --day 3 --part 2

AOC 2024

Day 3 - Part 2 - regex : 88802350
	generator: 84ns,
	runner: 2.092541ms

Day 3 - Part 2 - iterator : 88802350
	generator: 18.583µs,
	runner: 215.667µs

Roughly 6x speedup once again! It is ~twice as slow as the first parser, which is unfortunate, but it’s still well under 1ms, so we’ll go ahead with this for now.


Overall timing using cargo aoc bench:

$ cargo aoc bench --day 3
Day3 - Part1/iterator   time:   [31.657 µs 31.891 µs 32.270 µs]
Day3 - Part1/nom        time:   [108.02 µs 108.26 µs 108.50 µs]
Day3 - Part1/regex      time:   [241.65 µs 242.97 µs 244.34 µs]
Day3 - Part2/iterator   time:   [54.213 µs 55.198 µs 56.174 µs]
Day3 - Part2/regex      time:   [293.66 µs 313.42 µs 354.22 µs]

Fast enough. Onward!