Source: Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports
Full solution for today (spoilers!).
Part 1
Count how many given lists of numbers are
- Sorted (either ascending or descending)
- Strictly increasing/decreasing (no duplicate values)
- No increase/decrease is by more than 3
Fair enough. First, we’ll parse:
fn parse(input: &str) -> Vec<Vec<i32>> {
.map(|line| {
.map(|v| v.parse::<i32>().unwrap())
Then define what it means to be safe
// Initial version takes in a vector and checks for 'safeness'
// Must be either strictly increasing or decreasing with no difference greater than 3
fn safe(report: &[i32]) -> bool {
(report.is_sorted() || report.iter().rev().is_sorted())
&& report
.all(|(a, b)| a != b && (a - b).abs() <= 3)
I like having is_sorted()
. And because Vec
implemented DoubleEndedIterator
, it’s fairly cheap to have all these Iters
floating around.
The last trick is the zip
, but because one is iter()
and the other is iter().skip(1)
, that’s just a fancy way of making a 2 element sliding window.
Okay, we have that, check if all the given lists are safe
#[aoc(day2, part1, initial)]
fn part1_initial(input: &[Vec<i32>]) -> usize {
input.iter().filter(|report| safe(report)).count()
Run it:
$ cargo aoc --day 2 --part 1
AOC 2024
Day 2 - Part 1 - initial : 432
generator: 112.208µs,
runner: 14.834µs
Part 2
How many are
if you allow skipping any one element?
Okay, this one is actually more interesting that you’d expect to do more quickly. But first, a direct solution to it:
#[aoc(day2, part2, initial)]
fn part2_initial(input: &[Vec<i32>]) -> usize {
.filter(|report| {
for n in {
let mut sub_report = (*report).clone();
if safe(&sub_report) {
return true;
Basically, for each possible element, we’ll create a new report
that removes it and then check if that’s safe (bailing out as soon as we find one as a small optimization).
And it works well enough:
$ cargo aoc --day 2 --part 2
AOC 2024
Day 2 - Part 2 - initial : 488
generator: 96µs,
runner: 164.75µs
But… despite the fact that it’s already running in ~250µs (including parsing; and that’s really plenty fast), we can do better.
Optimization 1: Don’t clone vec
The main problem we have is the (*report).clone()
. The reports
are small, but it’s still a not insignificant cost to keep making more and more copies of those.
But we don’t have to. What if we had an Iter
that could still iterate over that same Vec
, but skip one element?
Or alternatively (and this was the way I went with it), what if safe
took an Iterator
and then we could construct (and clone) iterators instead of the Vec
themselves. They’ll all share one Vec
so should be much cheaper to clone.
// Optimized version that takes in a reversible iterator and does the same
// This will allow us to skip values in the middle of the list
// And because we're only cloning the iter (not the entire vec) can be faster for part 2
fn safe_iter<'a, I>(report_iter: I) -> bool
I: DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &'a i32> + Clone,
(report_iter.clone().is_sorted() || report_iter.clone().rev().is_sorted())
&& report_iter
.all(|(a, b)| a != b && (a - b).abs() <= 3)
Okay, that’s some black magic, I’ll admit. There are a few things to check out:
where I: DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &'a i32> + Clone
All this is saying is that safe_iter
takes any DoubleEndedIterator
that iterates over &i32
that can also be cloned. Double ended just means that it’s reversible, which Vec
’s is.
And clone
is… well, we’re going to make several copies of the iterator, since we need to iterate at through up to 4 times (sorted, reverse sorted, and 2 for the element checks).
How do we actually use that?
#[aoc(day2, part1, iterator)]
fn part1_iter(input: &[Vec<i32>]) -> usize {
.filter(|report| safe_iter(report.iter()))
#[aoc(day2, part2, iterator)]
fn part2_iter(input: &[Vec<i32>]) -> usize {
.filter(|report| {
.any(|n| safe_iter(report.iter().take(n).chain(report.iter().skip(n + 1))))
remains fairly straight forward. We just need to send report.iter()
instead. The performance supports that:
$ cargo aoc --day 2 --part 1
AOC 2024
Day 2 - Part 1 - initial : 432
generator: 112.208µs,
runner: 14.834µs
Day 2 - Part 1 - iterator : 432
generator: 96.916µs,
runner: 14.542µs
Less than 1µs improvement runtime. Noise really for the change in generator (I didn’t touch that). It’s actually slightly faster in general, although I expect it’s mostly noise.
is a bit weirder, since we want to create a new iter
that skips an element:
.chain(report.iter().skip(n + 1))
I think it’s clear enough, take the first n
and then add the rest (skipping n
and then 1
more–the only one we actually skip).
Other than that, we filter
if any
is safe_iter
, so we have the same early exit as before.
In the end, we got read of one clone()
for the vec
and added 4 for the iter
. Does … it help?
$ cargo aoc --day 2 --part 2
AOC 2024
Day 2 - Part 2 - initial : 488
generator: 96µs,
runner: 164.75µs
Day 2 - Part 2 - iterator : 488
generator: 95.917µs,
runner: 83.916µs
Yup. Roughly 2x faster! (It varies between 1.5x and 2x).
And I don’t think it’s actually that much less readable. Personally, I think that’s the line for me. You can certainly get this code to run more quickly by skipping out on various overhead (for example, input values always seem to be 1-100, so we could probably speed up parsing a decent bit). But I’m okay with wicked fast and still fairly general/readable.
To each their own!
So, how do both versions perform with a full benchmark run?
$ cargo aoc bench --day 2
Day2 - Part1/initial time: [4.2950 µs 4.3041 µs 4.3147 µs]
Day2 - Part1/iterator time: [4.3080 µs 4.3201 µs 4.3327 µs]
Day2 - Part2/initial time: [146.64 µs 147.04 µs 147.45 µs]
Day2 - Part2/iterator time: [40.862 µs 41.077 µs 41.299 µs]
See? This time, Part1/iterator
is actually slightly slower. It varies.
But still. Pretty quick. 😄
I’ll take it.