And… after Spider-Women, we’re back!
Two (ish) volumes in and we already have the crisis of faith/lost powers one. Whee!
With Kraven no less. Such an odd villain.
Time running out for Gwen, Castle on her tail—and on the edge it seems—and Captain Stacy has a solution. Luckily, Gwen made friends with… Reed Richards?
Intense. Curious how long this lasts.
Thoughts as I’m reading; SPOILERS!
Man, poor Gwen. Even if for better and for worse he has a point.
And of course to top it all off?
Anyways, we get these:
… please tell me that’s on page somewhere.
Huh. Alt Reed Richards. That’s neat.
That’s kind of funny. Spider-ADHD? Maybe I should read that series next.