On MARS! And all caught up!
The 4th and last (as of my watching) final season of For All Mankind sees humanity not only surviving, but THRIVING on Mars, beginning to reach out into other smaller bodies for resources.
It’s kind of awesome and kind of depressing, to see where the writers think humanity could have been. I think it’s a bit wishful, but still. If only…
And yet, things are, of course, not at all rosy. We have some major issues with class divisions, yet more tensions between the US and (still surviving) USSR, and the mess that is the North Koreans landing first.
It’s quite a lot of drama and a world I love to see.
I’m really looking forward to season 5 if (hopefully when) we get it!
As always, episode by episode mini-reviews (potential spoilers!).
1. Glasnost
Ed is apparently still around and in space. And still being an idiot about backing off of anything.
Olga: Promise. Promise.
[in Russian] What good is his promise?
He promised to come back in ’98. In ‘99.2001.
[in English] He’s not coming back.
Margo is still not. And in Russia.
Danny is … not coming home? Do we get to learn why?
Daniele moved on! Or not.
And… new characters! Need some new blood. Still weird.
But that’s the thing, is you don’t ever really move on.
The people you’ve hurt, the people you’ve lost, you just carry ’em around with you wherever you go.
2. Have a Nice Sol
Oy. Only been a few years and we’ve gone from less than a dozen people, barely holding on, making Mars work… to full blown classism.
No bucks, no Buck Rogers.
And oh man poor Aleida is such a mess and not admitting it. Her and Kelly chatting about it all… that’s not something I expected to like.
And of course there’s Margo and the Soviet Union. Perhaps a decade late…
3. The Bear Hug
Kelly and Aleida has potential!
Dev though. I honestly wasn’t sure we’d see him again.
The lesson of Icarus is not don’t fly too close to the sun.
It’s make better fucking wings.
And to like him no less. I’m sure it won’t last. But for now? I’m intrigued.
And now Miles. Making the money. This will of course never go poorly. (I didn’t expect it quite that quickly though.)
And… Margo. Is this really better than whatever might have / might still happen back in the USA?
Also also… why is Ed still on Mars? Carrying on Wayne's legacy what not what I expected there.
4. House Divided
It’s interesting to see Russia being so very Russian seemingly suddenly this season. It’s expected tension… but weird timing.
New Margo plotline? Also weird. But with potential.
I’m actually really starting to like the Miles’ plotting. The real/corrupt parts of humanity. I’m sure it’s going to explode. Good times.
Ed… has gotten old. And he’s never made the best of decisions. Poole has the right of that.
5. Goldilocks
Not the Goldilocks (in SPACE!) I expected.
Ten weeks, three way race. What could possibly go wrong.
Dev is very passionate. Mildly insane. The small touch of his past was appreciated.
And Danny. Oy. Exile was always death sentence. Just a slower one.Kelly, stuck between following in her father’s footsteps and… not. I expect there all while crowds that can say exactly what choice she needs to make. For each option.
Taking his son along... That's certainly a third option. Oh to tell that to Dev though.And Ed.
All because what? You just… You just couldn’t let go.
Oh Ed.
I expect that to have some after effects, but she’s totally right.
Ironic if Ed finally goes home with Kelly and Alex on the way...
6. Leningrad
Ed is taking his change in employment well. I’m… a bit surprised at his sudden change in personality.
Miles may have pushed too far. And now he’s finding out. Or Ilya is.
Margo’s choice? About time. Bit of a shock for Aleida that.
7. Crossing the Line
Ed suddenly being on the side of the workers is really weird.
Stealing the suits is both brilliant and insane.
8. Legacy
Oh Sergei. Oh boy. Poor Aleida is so in the middle of it all.
Alex getting left with Ed… oh boy. This could actually be worth keeping him around for. Finally a bit of redemption.
And of course Dev is being entirely Dev. Is this why Miles was introduced? Is this what finally gets him?
9. Brazil
So how long relying on North Korean spy cameras before you get a “are we the baddies?” moment?
Man everything is falling apart. Penultimate episode go!
Kel: I don’t think you’re crazy.
Maybe a little.
That was touching.
He’s still lying.
10. Perestroika
And so it ends.
I wonder if Dani knew what she was authorizing them to do.
(Later: No. She totally did not.)
I wonder how they found so many thugs.
I wonder(ed) how long until Miles’ whole … thing imploded.
I didn’t do this to your family Miles. You did.
I wonder why the burn had to be controlled from Happy Valley. Other than for the plot to work.
You said you wanted to be an astronaut.
… Jesus Ed.
And I wondered just how in the world Margo and Aleida would end the season…
MAN what an episode to catch up to what’s out on.