Review: Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

Series: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle: #4

Somehow, Mrs. Piggle-Returned. And the complete lack of any mention of her farm is just about as weird as when Star Wars did it. Add to that another complete reliance on random magical pills and powders… this one is also not my favorite, although I prefer it slightly to [[Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Magic]].

See Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle for my thoughts for the series as a whole.

  • The Show-Off Cure - Magic solution makes you invisible. I feel like most kids would either shrug that off once it stopped or just mess with people if they were suddenly invisible.
  • The Crybaby Cure - This just seems mean in the ‘I’ll give you something to cry about’ feel of the 50s some of these books have.
  • The Bully - This one just seems completely magical. And one step weirder–this is one of the few where the parent gives the cure to another child, not just their own. Which is … kind of weird.
  • The Whisperer - It takes them entirely too long to realize they’re being super quiet.
  • The Slowpoke - This totally feels like treating ADHD1… which wasn’t really clearly described until a decade or more after this book was published, even if there were descriptions about it.

  1. I had no idea that that stimulants were described being used to treat ADHD in 1937. ↩︎