Review: Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

Series: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle: #5

And so it ends… 50 years later.

This is an interesting one. Apparently, it was largely written by the original author’s daughter with the first story an unpublished original and the rest based on ’notes among her mother’s possessions’. For the most part, it fits. And ending it all with a party celebrating the titular Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle?

I like it.

  • The Just-One-More-TV-Show Cure - This is one that I feel wouldn’t work long term. Kids get over staying up. I’ve seen it.
  • The Won’t Brush Teeth Cure - A dog brushing teeth reminds me a lot of The Bad-Table-Manners Cure in Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic
  • The Insult Cure - Being haunted by your actions? Neat. Making insults too blinding to sleep? A bit weird/incomplete.
  • The Picky-Eater Cure - Entirely magical, although I don’t think I’d mind having a bit of that poweder for my own children sometimes… (I totally don’t think it would work.)
  • The Afraid-to-Try Cure - Feels a bit like The Fraidy-Cat Cure from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm. I like it though.
  • The Messy Stuff-and-Cram Cure - Feels a lot like The Never-Finish cure.
  • The Never-Finish Cure - This one totally feels like ADHD (as mentioned for The Slowpoke in Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle). A powder… that is totally treating ADHD.

And so it ends with a delightful birthday party.
