Review: The Islands of the Blessed

Series: Sea of Trolls: #3

Here we go again, dealing once again with bad decisions made long ago coming back to bite those who made them… and anyone else that might be standing nearby.

Of course it’s up to Jack and Thorgil to go on ANOTHER QUEST. And once again, save the day.

I’d guess that you have some purpose to fulfill and that is why you were saved. But don’t get a swelled head over it. A cabbage has a purpose when someone needs to make soup.

We get all sorts of interesting new beasties, friends, and enemies (sometimes all three). Chief among them are the Mermen and Mermaids, but also more half-trolls and even (perhaps) a god along the way, which was a take I’ve seen before, but interesting to see here.

Gods, if they’re neglected, tend to fall asleep, but they never really go away.

The cultural classes and worldbuilding, being based on our own (messy) world and history are interesting gone truly magical are still interesting and (so far as I know anyways) well researched. A joy to read.

I like seeing more of what happens to our characters, even if the ending is a bit bittersweet.

I remembered what Olaf always said: You must never give up, even if you’re falling off a cliff. You never know what might happen on the way down.

Overall, I’d say it’s stronger than the second, but not quite up to the level of the first in the series. Overall, I enjoyed the series and hope to share it with my children, perhaps in a few years.
