2024 Book Bingo

Let’s do it again!

Previous years:

If anyone I know wants to read along on any of these, drop me a line. Love to chat about books! πŸ˜„


  • Must be speculative fiction (SF, fantasy, horror with speculative elements)
  • Limit the number of novellas (fewer than 40k words or defined by the author as such) or combine them
  • A book of short stories counts
  • Graphic novels/manga should be treated as novellas
  • Web novels count (if they’re long enough)
  • Audiobooks count

Official thread

Recommendations thread

If you’d like to search within that thread, here’s a query to use with Firefox bookmark keywords: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1bt4km0/the_2024_rfantasy_bingo_recommendations_list/?q=%s&type=comments

This post will automatically update as I tag books and I’ll post ~if~ when I finish! I’m going to go for hard mode again as much as possible. Should be fun. :D

2024 Book Bingo

Rivers of London

by Ben Aaronovitch

Hard Mode βœ“

First in a Series

Read the first book in a series.

Hard Mode: The series is more than three books long.

The Haunting of Hill House

by Shirley Jackson

Hard Mode βœ“

Alliterative Title

Read a book where multiple words in the title begin with the same letter. For example, Legends and Lattes, A Storm of Swords, Children of Blood and Bone.

Hard Mode: The title has three words or more that start with the same letter.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

by Jules Verne

Hard Mode βœ“

Under the Surface

Read a book where an important setting is either underground or underwater.

Hard Mode: At least half the book takes place underground or underwater.

The Quantum Magician

by Derek KΓΌnsken

Hard Mode βœ“


Read a book in which the main character is a criminal. This could be a thief, assassin, someone who commits mail fraud, etc.

Hard Mode: Features a heist.

Frankenstein: The 1818 Text

by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Hard Mode βœ“


Read a book where characters experience dreams, magical or otherwise.

Hard Mode: The dream is not mystical or unusual, just a normal dream or nightmare.

The Voyage of the Basilisk

by Marie Brennan

Hard Mode βœ“

Entitled Animals

Read a book that has an animal in the title. The animal in the title does not have to appear in the story. Examples: The Raven Tower, Wolfsong, A Feast for Crows.

Hard Mode: The animal in the title is a fantasy or sci-fi creature, i.e. The Last Unicorn, Leviathan Wakes, or The Kaiju Preservation Society.

The Sea of Trolls

by Nancy Farmer

Hard Mode βœ“


Read a book in which the primary protagonist is a bard, musician, poet, or storyteller.

Hard Mode: The character is explicitly called a bard.

Prologues and Epilogues

Read a book that has either a prologue or an epilogue.

Hard Mode: The book must have both.

Self-Published or Indie Publisher

Self-published or published through an indie publisher. If a formerly self-published novel has been picked up by a publisher, it only counts for this challenge if you read it when it while was still only self-published.

Hard Mode: Self-published and has fewer than 100 ratings on Goodreads OR an indie publisher that has done an AMA with r/Fantasy.


Read a book that features romance as a main plot. This must be speculative in nature but does not have to be fantasy.

Hard Mode: The main character is LGBTQIA+.


by Mona Awad

Hard Mode βœ“

Dark Academia

Read a book that fits the dark academia aesthetic. This includes school and university, secret societies, and dark secrets. Does not have to be fantasy, but must be speculative.

Hard Mode: The school itself is entirely mundane.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

by Susanna Clarke

Hard Mode βœ“


Read a book with at least three point of view characters.

Hard Mode: At least five point of view characters.

Published in 2024

A book published for the first time in 2024 (no reprints or new editions) First translations into your language of choice are allowed.

Hard Mode: It’s also the author’s first published novel.

Jade Legacy

by Fonda Lee

Hard Mode βœ“

Character with a Disability

Read a book in which an important character has a physical or mental disability.

Hard Mode: A main character has a physical or mental disability.

Published in the 1990s

Read a book that was published in the 1990s.

Hard Mode: The author, or one of the authors, has also published something in the last five years.

Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins - Oh My!

Read a book featuring orcs, trolls, or goblins.

Hard Mode: As a main character.

Persephone Station

by Stina Leicht

Hard Mode βœ“

Space Opera

Read a sci-fi book that features a large cast of characters and has a focus on social dynamics which may be political or personal in nature. Set primarily in space or on spaceships.

Hard Mode: Written by an author of marginalized gender identity (e.g. women, trans people, non-binary people).


by Ramona Emerson

Hard Mode βœ“

Author of Color

Read a book by an author of color.

Hard Mode: Must be a debut novel published in the last five years.


Read a book in which the primary goal of the characters and story focuses on survival. Surviving an apocalypse, surviving a war, surviving high school, etc.

Hard Mode: No superviruses or pandemics.

Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City

by K.J. Parker

Hard Mode βœ“

Judge A Book By Its Cover

Choose because you like its cover.

Hard Mode: Pick the book based only on the information available on the cover. No reading the blurb!

The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires

by Grady Hendrix

Hard Mode βœ“

Set in a Small Town

The primary setting is a small town.

Hard Mode: The small town can be real or fictional but the broader setting must be our real world and not a secondary world.


by Ted Chiang

Hard Mode βœ“

Five SFF Short Stories

Any five short stories or novelettes.

Hard Mode: Read an entire speculative anthology or collection.

Perdido Street Station

by China MiΓ©ville

Hard Mode βœ“

Eldritch Creatures

Read a book featuring a being that is uncanny, unearthly, and weird. This can be a god or monster from another plane or realm and is usually beyond mortal understanding. See this link for further information.

Hard Mode: The book is not related to the Cthulhu mythos.

Reference Materials

Read a book that features additional material, such as a map, footnotes, glossary, translation guide, dramatis personae etc.

Hard Mode: Book contains at least two types of additional materials.

Book Club or Readalong Book

Any past or active r/Fantasy book clubs count as well as past or active r/Fantasy readalongs. See our full list of book clubs here.

Hard Mode: Must read a current selection of either a book club or readalong and participate in the discussion.

Full categories

    First in a Series

    Read the first book in a series.

    Hard Mode: The series is more than three books long.

    Alliterative Title

    Read a book where multiple words in the title begin with the same letter. For example, Legends and Lattes, A Storm of Swords, Children of Blood and Bone.

    Hard Mode: The title has three words or more that start with the same letter.

    Under the Surface

    Read a book where an important setting is either underground or underwater.

    Hard Mode: At least half the book takes place underground or underwater.


    Read a book in which the main character is a criminal. This could be a thief, assassin, someone who commits mail fraud, etc.

    Hard Mode: Features a heist.


    Read a book where characters experience dreams, magical or otherwise.

    Hard Mode: The dream is not mystical or unusual, just a normal dream or nightmare.

    Entitled Animals

    Read a book that has an animal in the title. The animal in the title does not have to appear in the story. Examples: The Raven Tower, Wolfsong, A Feast for Crows.

    Hard Mode: The animal in the title is a fantasy or sci-fi creature, i.e. The Last Unicorn, Leviathan Wakes, or The Kaiju Preservation Society.


    Read a book in which the primary protagonist is a bard, musician, poet, or storyteller.

    Hard Mode: The character is explicitly called a bard.

    Prologues and Epilogues

    Read a book that has either a prologue or an epilogue.

    Hard Mode: The book must have both.

    Self-Published or Indie Publisher

    Self-published or published through an indie publisher. If a formerly self-published novel has been picked up by a publisher, it only counts for this challenge if you read it when it while was still only self-published.

    Hard Mode: Self-published and has fewer than 100 ratings on Goodreads OR an indie publisher that has done an AMA with r/Fantasy.


    Read a book that features romance as a main plot. This must be speculative in nature but does not have to be fantasy.

    Hard Mode: The main character is LGBTQIA+.

    Dark Academia

    Read a book that fits the dark academia aesthetic. This includes school and university, secret societies, and dark secrets. Does not have to be fantasy, but must be speculative.

    Hard Mode: The school itself is entirely mundane.


    Read a book with at least three point of view characters.

    Hard Mode: At least five point of view characters.

    Published in 2024

    A book published for the first time in 2024 (no reprints or new editions) First translations into your language of choice are allowed.

    Hard Mode: It’s also the author’s first published novel.

    Character with a Disability

    Read a book in which an important character has a physical or mental disability.

    Hard Mode: A main character has a physical or mental disability.

    Published in the 1990s

    Read a book that was published in the 1990s.

    Hard Mode: The author, or one of the authors, has also published something in the last five years.

    Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins - Oh My!

    Read a book featuring orcs, trolls, or goblins.

    Hard Mode: As a main character.

    Space Opera

    Read a sci-fi book that features a large cast of characters and has a focus on social dynamics which may be political or personal in nature. Set primarily in space or on spaceships.

    Hard Mode: Written by an author of marginalized gender identity (e.g. women, trans people, non-binary people).

    Author of Color

    Read a book by an author of color.

    Hard Mode: Must be a debut novel published in the last five years.


    Read a book in which the primary goal of the characters and story focuses on survival. Surviving an apocalypse, surviving a war, surviving high school, etc.

    Hard Mode: No superviruses or pandemics.

    Judge A Book By Its Cover

    Choose because you like its cover.

    Hard Mode: Pick the book based only on the information available on the cover. No reading the blurb!

    Set in a Small Town

    The primary setting is a small town.

    Hard Mode: The small town can be real or fictional but the broader setting must be our real world and not a secondary world.

    Five SFF Short Stories

    Any five short stories or novelettes.

    Hard Mode: Read an entire speculative anthology or collection.

    Eldritch Creatures

    Read a book featuring a being that is uncanny, unearthly, and weird. This can be a god or monster from another plane or realm and is usually beyond mortal understanding. See this link for further information.

    Hard Mode: The book is not related to the Cthulhu mythos.

    Reference Materials

    Read a book that features additional material, such as a map, footnotes, glossary, translation guide, dramatis personae etc.

    Hard Mode: Book contains at least two types of additional materials.

    Book Club or Readalong Book

    Any past or active r/Fantasy book clubs count as well as past or active r/Fantasy readalongs. See our full list of book clubs here.

    Hard Mode: Must read a current selection of either a book club or readalong and participate in the discussion.