I feel like Unexpected could really be the title to about half of these books. Maybe more.
One thing leads to another, everything goes wrong, and Cassie is off to SYD-South Something Dakota. Right? Right…?
But hey, kangaroo morph!
There’s basically no impact on the greater Animorph’s story, but sometimes that’s all right. And it’s interesting to get a fairly straight forward Cassie story with the existential dread.
No worries.
Random thoughts:
“Relax, boys.” Bald Spot left the truck and strolled toward the guards. Flashed a badge. “CIA. We’ll take over from here.”
The Marines didn’t budge. “We’re not leaving our post, sir. We have orders.”
“Well, you have new orders now” - Bald Spot squinted at the two black stripes on the Marine’s collar - “corporal.”
“With all due respect,” the corporal answered, sounding anything but respectful, “we don’t take orders from . . . civilians.”
The Controllers glanced at each other.
Bald Spot nodded. “Fine.” He slid his badge into his pocket. “We’ll have a Marine colonel here in a few minutes.”
I enjoyed this scene.