Told from the point of view of Visser One (former and, for the moment, current). On trial, in front of the Council of Thirteen themselves.
I spoke to the holographic representation of the Council. Thirteen Yeerks in various host bodies: Nine Hork-Bajir, two Taxxons, and two whose host bodies were so concealed that I could not guess at their form.
They were dressed in dark red robes, so dark that they were almost black. They stood, motionless, held in place, suspended by gravity-neutral fields, fed by a continuous refined current of Kandrona rays.
The Hork-Bajir-Controllers wore a lightweight mesh beneath their robes to keep the wrist and arm blades from slicing through the robe’s fabric.
The two Taxxon-Controllers were bloated, monstrously inflated versions of the great centipedes. Both were attended by Gedds, ready with freshly killed meat to feed the eternal hunger that not even a Yeerk inside that feverish brain can control. Their ceremonial robes were as large as sails, wrapped around the raised front third of their bodies.
They were light-years away, of course. They would see me, my host face and body in three dimensions. They could also watch my vital signs, translated into universal equivalents. Blood pressure, heart rate, hormone production, all reduced to digital readouts a billion miles away. And they could, with a thought, call up whatever data had been compiled on specific events or locations or individuals.
I really do enjoy the worldbuilding here and I’m a bit sad that this is about as much as we’re going to get about the Council.
Still, it’s yet another interesting point of view. Especially when you add in Visser One’s testimony–the backstory of how the Yeerk invasion of Earth actually began.
Tentatively I reached toward the far side of the brain. I touched it. Made contact.
It was incredible. This second half of the brain was an almost mirror image, but not. It could have functioned all on its own, if necessary, and yet it was in some ways radically different in its memories, its sensory interpretation, even its will. Two almost entirely functional brains in one skull, communicating across a channel of nerves. Not a fully redundant system, almost a second, different brain!
I don’t know if it’s more interesting to think that humans are weird like that (and that is weird) or that seemingly no other species is!
I enjoy all of the Animorphs Chronicles. This is no exception.