StackLang Part V: Compiling to C

It’s been a bit, but I hope it’s worth it. StackLang, part 5: compiling to C!

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Full source code for StackLang: github:jpverkamp/stacklang

The goal

So previously, I wrote an interpreter that can run StackLang programs. It works well enough and is great for hacking on features, but on the other hand:

  • It’s pretty slow. Generating a 1024x768x8 Mandelbrot image takes ~2m15s even in release mode with the VM vs 2s in the initial compiler. No, that’s not a typo.
  • It redoes the lex + parse + run on each run, versus building a binary that just runs
  • The compiled executable is a bit larger (2.5MB vs 50kB; yes I know that’s not much either way)
  • I just want to write a compiler!

The target

So the next question: what do we want to compile to?

  • Assembly (x86 / ARM); directly compile without other tools (although an assembler is probably still necessary), best low level control
  • A compiler backend (LLVM); something I’ve been meaning to learn
  • Another language (C / Rust); leverage a lower level compiler for the final compilation steps
  • WASM; compiles to the web, it’s stack based, so theoretically fits the language well

All together… I think that any of those would be interesting, but semi-randomly I think that I’m going to try compiling to C and using Clang behind that (which in turn ends up using LLVM, although not directly).

Code generation

Okay, first things first. I want to write a function compile(ast: Expression) -> String. It should generate C code which then can be written to file (or stdout, whichever).

To start with, something like this:

/// Compile the AST into C code
pub fn compile(ast: Expression) -> String {
    let mut lines = vec![];

    /// Helper function to compile a specific block to be output later
    fn compile_block(
        arity: (usize, usize),
        body: &Vec<Expression>,
        blocks: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>,
    ) -> usize {

    /// Compile a single expression into strings
    fn compile_expr(
        expr: Expression,
        blocks: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>
    ) -> Vec<String> {

    // Compile the top level expression
    let mut blocks = vec![];
    match ast {
        Expression::Group(body) => {
            compile_block((0, 0), &body, &mut blocks);
        _ => panic!("Unexpected top level expression: {:?}", ast),

    // Forward declare all blocks

    // Generate block functions

    // Add the main function that setups up the initial stack
    // and calls the top level block (block_0)

    // Put it all together

So there are a few things going on here:

  • We’re generating a vec of lines that will be combined at the end
  • The main compile function has two helper functions:
    • compile_block will take a block of code ({ ... }) and compile it into a C function, calling compile_expr once for each subexpression
    • compile_expr will compile a single expression, be it a literal, variable, name, lookup, or whatever (if it’s a block, call compile_block)
  • It’s possible to add static C code to lines with include_str!:
    • header.c has the includes and a number of #define constants
    • types.c defines the Value type (a tagged union struct)
    • globals.c stores global variables (the stack and frame)
    • coerce.c contains a function to automatically cast numbers when necessary (adding an integer + float should result in a float for example)
    • main.c defines the int main(int, char*) function; sets up memory

Static C code

First, let’s talk about all of the static C code that I’m including in every program, no matter the content.


#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define TAG_NUMBER 0

#define TAG_STRING 16
#define TAG_BOOLEAN 17
#define TAG_BLOCK 18

Essentially, this is where I pull in headers (for boolean types, converting to/from ints, and doing some string I/O) + define the tags for types (see types.c).


// Values on the stack
typedef struct
    uint8_t type;
        int64_t as_integer;
        double as_float;

        char *as_string;
        bool as_boolean;
        void *as_block;
} Value;

As mentioned, this is a tagged union for all values. It stores the type (one of the constants from header.c) and the data. But because I’m using a union, all of the values are stored in the same memory–you have to make sure to read it as the right kind of data. It will always take as much memory as the largest of the values (int64_t and double are each 8 bytes), which can be wasteful, but such is life.

One interesting one in particular is the void *as_block. This is a function pointer to another block_# (we haven’t defined them yet) stored as a value.


// The stack holding all values
Value *stack;
Value *stack_ptr;

// Frames holding the stack pointer for each block
Value **frames;
Value **frame_ptr;

This stores two arrays which I’ll allocate in main.c. They’re not dynamic at this point.

Specifically, stack points to base of the entire stack of values while stack_ptr points to the current top of the stack and will be incremented when pushing and decremented when popping.

frames stores an array of pointers to the stack pointer (yay **) which is updated whenever a new scope is introduced (when invoking a block), so that I know how many values to pop from stack_ptr on return. Likewise, frame_ptr is the current top of that stack.

It’s… certainly an interesting way to do it, but I think it works well enough.


// Convert two values to have the same type by upgrading if necessary
void coerce(Value *a, Value *b)
    if (a->type == b->type)

    if (a->type == TAG_NUMBER_INTEGER && b->type == TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT)
        a->type = TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT;
        a->as_float = (double)a->as_integer;

    if (a->type == TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT && b->type == TAG_NUMBER_INTEGER)
        b->type = TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT;
        b->as_float = (double)b->as_integer;

As mentioned, this is the function to automatically convert ints/floats when doing math on mixed types. So far, I don’t have the rest of the numeric tower I’m planning and I may eventually make manual casting required instead of this, but for the moment, this works pretty well.

I did, for a while, have a rather subtle bug here that did all sorts of interesting things. The last (contentful) line was b->as_float = (double)a->as_integer;. So I ended up copying a over b, but only if a was a float and b an int. That took a while to find… I need better tests. 😄


And finally, the main function!

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // The stack holding all values
    stack = malloc(10240 * sizeof(Value));
    stack_ptr = stack;

    // Frames holding the stack pointer for each block
    frames = malloc(10240 * sizeof(Value **));
    frame_ptr = frames;


    return 0;

So right now, I’m just allocating two flat arrays of ~90kB each (10240 * (1 byte for the tag and 8 bytes for the value union)). I’ll probably make that dynamic at some point, but so far as making this work, it works well.

Then we call block_0 (I’ll get to the NULL when talking names) and finally (if we make it this far) return success. Voila!


Okay, let’s actually talk about compilation. I’m going to start with compile_block. This function call compile_expr to actually compile each expression, but it also has to do a few more things:

  • Calculate (or be given) the arity of the expression: how many values it will consume from the stack and how many it will push back on
  • Store the frame pointer–this will be offset by arity_in (which effectively consumes those values)
  • Compile the expressions
  • Handle popping ’extra’ values off the stack so only arity_out values are left after the stored frame_ptr when we’re done

Like this:

    /// Helper function to compile a specific block to be output later
    fn compile_block(
        arity: (usize, usize),
        body: &Vec<Expression>,
        blocks: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>,
    ) -> usize {
        log::debug!("compile_block({arity:?}, {body:?})");

        let index = blocks.len();
        blocks.push(vec![]); // Throwaway vec to hold the index
        let mut lines = vec![];

        let (arity_in, arity_out) = arity;

            "    // block: {}",
                .map(|ex| ex.to_string())
                .join(" ")
        lines.push(format!("\n    // Store the current stack pointer with arity_in={arity_in}"));
        lines.push(format!("    *(++frame_ptr) = (stack_ptr - {arity_in});\n"));

        // Compile the block itself
        for expr in body {
            for line in compile_expr(expr.clone(), blocks) {

        // Pop the block off the stack
        lines.push(format!("    // Pop the block off the stack, preserving arity_out={arity_out} values"));
        lines.push(format!("    Value* return_ptr = (stack_ptr - {arity_out});"));
        lines.push(format!("    stack_ptr =  *(frame_ptr--);"));
        for _ in 0..arity_out {
            lines.push(format!("    *(++stack_ptr) = *(++return_ptr);"));

        blocks[index] = lines;

One thing that I’ve been making sure I do is generating comments in the C code. In a perfect world, these are never going to get looked at, since we’re going to immediately compile this C code to assembly/machine code. But in a practical world, knowing what code I’m generating is kind of important…

One thing to note is that all blocks have a single variable: names. This one is a linked list of name -> stack_ptr associations that we’ve stored. Because it’s passed as a parameter to the block_#(...) call, when we return, it ‘forgets’ all names bound in this block or child blocks. I’ll get more into that in the names section.

This is also the first time seeing code like this:

*(++frame_ptr) = (stack_ptr - {arity_in});

Essentially, frame_ptr is a pointer to a value in the frames array. ++frame_ptr is a pre-increment, so it’s saying advance the frame_ptr to the next available value in the array before evaluating the rest of the code. *(++frame_ptr) then unwraps one level (so rather than a frame, it’s a stack value), which we then store the current stack_ptr offset by arity_in (essentially saying we’re going to pop that many values throughout this function).

Likewise, at the end:

Value* return_ptr = (stack_ptr - {arity_out});
stack_ptr =  *(frame_ptr--);
*(++stack_ptr) = *(++return_ptr); // ... repeat arity_out times

This will use arity_out to determine how many values from the top of the stack (stack_ptr) we want to return. If it’s 0, we just won’t copy any values. But if it’s 3 (for example), we’ll start returning from the 3rd from the top of the stack.

Next, move the stack_ptr to the frame_ptr. Because it’s frame_ptr--, we will take the top one and then only after we’re done, decrement it to pop this frame. This frame_ptr starts without arity_in

Then *(++stack_ptr) = *(++return_ptr); will be called once for each of arity_in. That says: ‘set the next value on the stack to the next value to return.

It… makes sense to me? Perhaps a diagram will help. Let’s show a few examples.

In the first example, let’s show what would happen when calling dup function that will pop 1 value and return 2:

# Initial state
stack: A B C
           └ `stack_ptr`

# Call dup, generate a new frame pointer
# The `stack_ptr` contains the value passed to the function
# The `frame_ptr` does not, since it's treating it as those values will be popped
stack: A B C
         │ └ `stack_ptr`
         └ `frame_ptr`

# Dup runs, duplicating the C
stack: A B C C
         │   └ `stack_ptr`
         └ `frame_ptr`

# Preparing for return, 1) `return_ptr` needs to have two values to return
stack: A B C C
         │ │ └ `stack_ptr`
         │ └ `return_ptr`
         └ `frame_ptr`

# 2) The `stack_ptr` is moved to `frame_ptr - 1` (since we increment before copying)
stack: A B C C
       │ │ └ `return_ptr`
       │ └ `frame_ptr`
       └ `stack_ptr`

# Now (twice because of `arity_out`), we copy the value at `return_ptr` to `stack_ptr` and increment
# After the first copy:
stack: A C C C
         │ └ `return_ptr`
         └ `frame_ptr` + `stack_ptr`

# After the second copy:
stack: A C C C
         │ │ └ `return_ptr`
         │ └ `stack_ptr`
         └ `frame_ptr`

# Finally, we return; because `stack_ptr` is where the stack
# will be on returning from the function; the last `C` (`return_ptr`)
# is effectively ignored / not able to be referenced any more

Hopefully that helps?

And that’s all we have for compile_block. Now the real fun(tm), compile_expr:


In a nutshell, we have this:

    /// Compile a single expression into strings
    fn compile_expr(expr: Expression, blocks: &mut Vec<Vec<String>>) -> Vec<String> {

        let mut lines = vec![];
        lines.push(format!("    // {expr}")); // TODO: Flag for verbose mode

        match expr {
            Expression::Identifier(id) => {


Where match expr will generate code for each possible expression (see the sections below). Two interesting bits:

  • blocks: &mut Vec<Vec<String>> - this stores the blocks as we compile; since we can have blocks in exprs, we need to thread this through for when we see more blocks
  • -> Vec<String> - we return a Vec so that we can return 0, 1, or more lines; if an expression doesn’t generate code, it should return 0. Most will return more than 1: a comment + the actual generated code

So let’s go through the generation!


Expression::Identifier(id) => {
    match id.as_str() {
        // Built in numeric functions
        "+" => numeric_binop!(lines, "+"),
        "-" => numeric_binop!(lines, "-"),
        "*" => numeric_binop!(lines, "*"),
        "/" => numeric_binop!(lines, "/"),
        "%" => numeric_binop!(lines, "%"),

        // Built in numeric comparisons
        "<" => numeric_compare!(lines, "<"),
        "<=" => numeric_compare!(lines, "<="),
        "=" => numeric_compare!(lines, "=="),
        "!=" => numeric_compare!(lines, "!="),
        ">=" => numeric_compare!(lines, ">="),
        ">" => numeric_compare!(lines, ">"),

        // Built ins
        "read" => lines.push(include_str!("../compile_c_includes/builtins/read.c").to_string()),
        "write" => lines.push(include_str!("../compile_c_includes/builtins/write.c").to_string()),
        "writeln" => {
        "newline" => lines.push("printf(\"\\n\");".to_string()),
        "loop" => lines.push(include_str!("../compile_c_includes/builtins/loop.c").to_string()),
        "if" => lines.push(include_str!("../compile_c_includes/builtins/if.c").to_string()),
        "to_float" => lines.push(include_str!("../compile_c_includes/builtins/to_float.c").to_string()),
        "to_int" => lines.push(include_str!("../compile_c_includes/builtins/to_int.c").to_string()),

        // Attempt to lookup in names table
        id => {
            let id = sanitize_name(id);
Value* v = lookup(names, NAME_{id});
if (v->type == TAG_BLOCK) {{
void *f = v->as_block;
((void (*)(Name*))f)(names);
}} else {{
*(++stack_ptr) = *v;

So there are threeish categories here:

  • builtins numeric functions generated by macro
  • builtin functions included as C files
  • variable lookups

For numeric functions, we do much like we did in the VM version:

/// A helper macro to generate functions that operate on two integers and floats
macro_rules! numeric_binop {
    ($lines:expr, $op:literal) => {{
        let op = stringify!($op).to_string().trim_matches('"').to_string();

        Value *b = stack_ptr--;
        Value *a = stack_ptr--;
        coerce(a, b);
        if (a->type == TAG_NUMBER_INTEGER) {{
            Value result = {{.type=TAG_NUMBER_INTEGER, .as_integer=a->as_integer {op} b->as_integer}};
            *(++stack_ptr) = result;
        }} else if (a->type == TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT) {{
            Value result = {{.type=TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT, .as_float=a->as_float {op} b->as_float}};
            *(++stack_ptr) = result;

It’s got fun {{ double brackets }} because otherwise those are template variables (which I do use for op), but other than that, all we do is:

  • pop two values with Value *b = stack_ptr-- (gets the value and then decrements the pointer)
  • coerce
  • perform the function, creating a new value
  • push the new value onto the stack with *(++stack_ptr) = result;

numeric_compare is much the same, except instead we create a new TAG_BOOLEAN value.

The next case is the builtins. Those are just including C code, which you can see in the repo github:jpverkamp/stacklang:compile_c_includes/builtins.

For example, if includes builtins/if.c:

    Value cond = *(stack_ptr--);
    Value if_false = *(stack_ptr--);
    Value if_true = *(stack_ptr--);

    if (cond.type != TAG_BOOLEAN)
        printf("Error: if condition must be a boolean\n");

    Value v = (cond.as_boolean ? if_true : if_false);

    if (v.type == TAG_BLOCK)
        void *f = v.as_block;
        ((void (*)(Name *))f)(names);
        *(++stack_ptr) = v;

Oh that ((void (*)(Name *))f)(names); line… Essentially, that’s taking the as_block, which has to be stored as an arbitrary (void*) pointer and then casts it to a function pointer of the proper type (take a Name* and return nothing), which is then called with the names linked list.

Finally, if the Identifier isn’t a builtin function, assume it’s a variable and look it up:

    Value* v = lookup(names, NAME_{id});
    if (v->type == TAG_BLOCK) {{
        void *f = v->as_block;
        ((void (*)(Name*))f)(names);
    }} else {{
        *(++stack_ptr) = *v;

Then, if it’s not a block, push that variable’s Value onto the stack as always. But if it is a block, then we need to call it, as we did in if above.

So that’s a lot. 😄


Literals are much easier.

Expression::Literal(value) => {
    let (tag, field, value) = match value {
        // TODO: additional numeric tyhpes
        Value::Number(Number::Integer(v)) => {
            ("TAG_NUMBER_INTEGER", "integer", v.to_string())
        Value::Number(Number::Float(v)) => ("TAG_NUMBER_FLOAT", "float", v.to_string()),
        Value::String(v) => ("TAG_STRING", "string", format!("{v:?}")),
        Value::Boolean(v) => ("TAG_BOOLEAN", "boolean", format!("{v:?}")),
        Value::Block { .. } => panic!("Blocks should be compiled separately"),

Value v = {{.type={tag}, .as_{field}={value}}};
*(++stack_ptr) = v;

For each type of literal, determine what the tag should be and generate the necessary code for it. Then push it onto the stack.

There shouldn’t be direct block literals at the moment. panic!


Expression::Block(ref body) => {
    let arity = calculate_arity(&expr)
        .expect(format!("Unable to calculate arity for block: {:?}", expr).as_str());
    let index = compile_block(arity, body, blocks);
Value v = {{.type=TAG_BLOCK, .as_block=(void*)block_{index}}};
*(++stack_ptr) = v;

This one is straight forward (mostly because the code is in compile_block). We do calculate the arity ahead of time (I’m not sure why anymore–I think because we have the expr here and only the body in calculate_block?), but then we just compile the block, get the new index for this block, and push a Value::Block onto the stack containing a pointer to the new function.

Pretty cool how that just works.



I haven’t actually implemented list expressions yet, but I also haven’t written any code that needs them yet!


Groups are defined with ( ... ) (or there is an implicit one at the top level). All they are is a sequence of expressions, but this is exactly why we have the function return an arbitrary number of lines:

Expression::Group(exprs) => {
    for expr in exprs {
        for line in compile_expr(expr, blocks) {


Here’s a more interesting case. At expressions are implicitly tied into naming, so we’ll get into it more there. But for now, assume we have a function bind in our C code that takes names, a NAME_{id} constant, and a pointer to the stack and binds the name to that stack location.

Then, there are two three cases:

  • @a for single Identifier binding
  • @[a b c] for List binding of multiple variables at once
  • @5 for arity clauses, these just shouldn’t generate code
Expression::At(expr) => {
    match expr.as_ref() {
        Expression::Identifier(id) => {
            let id = sanitize_name(id);
    Value *p = stack_ptr;
    names = bind(names, NAME_{id}, p);
        Expression::List(id_exprs) => {
            let id_count = id_exprs.len();
            for (i, id_expr) in id_exprs.iter().enumerate() {
                match id_expr {
                    Expression::Identifier(id) => {
                        let id = sanitize_name(id);
    Value *p = (stack_ptr - {id_count} + {i} + 1);
    names = bind(names, NAME_{id}, p);
                    _ => panic!("Unexpected @ expression when compiling: {}", expr),
        Expression::Literal(Value::Number(Number::Integer(_))) => {} // ignore numeric @ expressions
        _ => panic!("Unexpected @ expression when compiling: {}", expr),


These are eventually going to be for writing to named variables, but I’m not currently using them much. What we do have though is arity_out expressions, which have a numeric field, a la !1. We don’t want to generate code for them, but do need to handle them:

Expression::Bang(v) => {
    match v.as_ref() {
        Expression::Literal(Value::Number(Number::Integer(_))) => {}, // Used only for arity out expressions
        _ => todo!(),


$ expressions are essentially a simpler form of variable lookups. They always have an Identifier and they always push the value on the stack, even if it’s a block. Essentially, this is to allow passing blocks to other blocks. It does make the code simpler though:

Expression::Dollar(expr) => match expr.as_ref() {
    Expression::Identifier(id) => {
    Value* v = lookup(names, NAME_{id});
    *(++stack_ptr) = *v;
    _ => panic!("Unexpected $ expression when compiling: {}", expr),

Generating block code

Okay, that’s all well and good, but remember back in the original code when I said I still have to forward declare and generate all blocks? Well, now we have the blocks, so let’s do that!


// Forward declare all blocks
lines.push("\n// Forward declare all blocks".to_string());
for (i, _) in blocks.iter().enumerate() {
    lines.push(format!("void block_{i}(Name *block_names);", i = i).to_string());

This comes up because each block can theoretically call any other block in any order. Because of how C compilers work, you can’t call a function defined after you (by default), so what we’re doing here is just naming all of the block_# functions we’re going to generate to make the compiler happy.

And then the code gen:

// Generate block functions
lines.push("\n// Actual block definitions".to_string());
for (i, block) in blocks.iter().enumerate() {
    lines.push(format!("void block_{i}(Name *block_names) {{").to_string());
    lines.push(format!("    if (block_names != NULL) block_names->boundary = true;").to_string());
    lines.push(format!("    Name* names = block_names;").to_string());


    lines.push("    // Free names bound in this block".to_string());
while (names != NULL && block_names != names) {
    Name *next = names->prev;
    names = next;

A lot of that has to do with how we actually deal with named variables, which we’re almost to, I promise. In a nutshell though, we take in block_names as a pointer to where in the names linked list the block started at. We then copy names which will be incremented as we evaluate this block (in At expressions). At the end of the block, if there are any values between (if we bound any names), we free the memory those names used, since the calling function will no longer be able to see them.

It’s not how I originally did it, see the first version of named variables, but it does work!

Named variables

Okay, enough is enough. Let’s actually talk about names.

As mentioned in the previous section, we have one more data structure: names. This one, rather than a static array, is actually a linked list. Each name will be added to the end of this list, with the name and stack_ptr it refers to. To lookup, we’ll start at the end of this list and iterate backwards until we find name. If we bound a variable multiple times, the last bound (so the closest in scope) will be seen first.

It’s pretty elegant, IMO. Here’s the code:

// Names linked list
typedef struct Name Name;
struct Name
    bool boundary;
    uint8_t name;
    Value *value;
    Name *prev;

Name *bind(Name *names, uint8_t name, Value *value)
    Name *new_name = malloc(sizeof(Name));
    if (new_name == NULL)
        printf("Out of memory");

    new_name->boundary = false;
    new_name->name = name;
    new_name->value = value;
    new_name->prev = names;
    return new_name;

// Lookup a value on the stack by name
Value *lookup(Name *names, uint8_t name)
    while (names != NULL)
        if (names->name == name)
            return names->value;
        names = names->prev;

    printf("Name not found: %d", name);

Yes, it’s a bit weird that we don’t store next, but we don’t need it. Just prev to look back from the end of the list. And if we ever go all the way back, prev will be NULL and we know the variable isn’t defined (so error out).

One last interesting field is new_name->boundary. This is set when a block is called and essentially all it does is allow us to print a distinction between names in different block_# for debug mode.

With that, bind will malloc the memory for the new node, fill it out, and return the new end of list. lookup (as mentioned) will start at the current end of the list and go back until we either find the name or run out of names.

I do store all name as uint8_t, which does require collecting all of the names at the start of the compile function:

Collecting names

/// Collect the names used so we can assign each an integer value
fn collect_names(ast: &Expression) -> HashMap<String, usize> {
    let mut names = HashMap::new();

    fn collect_names_expr(expr: &Expression, names: &mut HashMap<String, usize>) {
        match expr {
            | Expression::Literal(_)
            | Expression::Bang(_)
            | Expression::Dollar(_) => {
                // Do nothing, no names possible
            Expression::List(_) => todo!(),
            Expression::Block(exprs) => {
                for expr in exprs {
                    collect_names_expr(expr, names);
            Expression::Group(exprs) => {
                for expr in exprs {
                    collect_names_expr(expr, names);
            Expression::At(expr) => {
                match expr.as_ref() {
                    Expression::Identifier(id) => {
                        let id = sanitize_name(id);
                        if !names.contains_key(&id) {
                            log::debug!("Adding name: {} @ {}", id, names.len());
                            names.insert(id.clone(), names.len());
                    Expression::List(id_exprs) => {
                        for id_expr in id_exprs {
                            match id_expr {
                                Expression::Identifier(id) => {
                                    let id = sanitize_name(id);
                                    if !names.contains_key(&id) {
                                        log::debug!("Adding name: {} @ {}", id, names.len());
                                        names.insert(id.clone(), names.len());
                                _ => panic!(
                                    "Unexpected @ expression when collecting names: {}",
                    Expression::Literal(Value::Number(Number::Integer(_))) => {} // ignore numeric @ expressions
                    _ => panic!("Unexpected @ expression when collecting names: {}", expr),

    collect_names_expr(ast, &mut names);

This just iterates through the function, looking for anything that is used in an At expression recursively and makes a unique set of them. It then can generate a define for each:

let names = collect_names(&ast);
log::debug!("collected names: {:?}", names);

for (name, index) in names.iter() {
    lines.push(format!("#define NAME_{name} {index}"));

Not so bad.

Original idea

As a quick aside, this isn’t the first iteration of variable naming I wrote. Originally (and it works in most cases), the types.c definition looked like this:

// Values on the stack
typedef struct
    uint8_t type;
        int64_t as_integer;
        double as_float;

        char *as_string;
        bool as_boolean;
        void *as_block;

    uint8_t name_count;
    uint8_t names[4];
    // TODO: more than 4 names
} Value;

In essence, this would store up to 4 names with each value on the stack. This would end up using up that extra memory even if a value was never named, but that’s not actually where the bug crept in: because names were always bound on the stack and never removed, when you called a child block that used the same names as a parent block, weird things(tm) could happen.

This… took a while to trace down before finally settling on the linked list version above.

Adding it to the main function

Okay, we have all of the code now! So let’s add it to my Because we have two possible branches now, along with setting up logging and debug mode, it’s worth pushing out into a new function:

use clap::*;
use log;
use std::{io::BufReader, env};

mod debug;

mod numbers;
mod stack;
mod types;

mod arity;
mod compile_c;
mod lexer;
mod parser;
mod vm;

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
    #[arg(short, long)]
    file: String,

    #[arg(short, long)]
    compile: bool,

    #[arg(short, long)]
    debug: bool, 

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();

    let file = std::fs::File::open(args.file).unwrap();
    let tokens = lexer::tokenize(BufReader::new(file));

        "Tokens: {}",
            .map(|token| token.token.clone())
            .join(" ")

    let ast = parser::parse(tokens);
    log::info!("AST:\n{:#?}", ast);

    if args.compile {
        let c_code = compile_c::compile(ast);
        println!("{}", c_code);
    } else {

clap is pretty cool!

Essentially, we read args, load the specified file, always tokenize, always generate an AST, and then based on the compile flag, either run it with the VM or compile it to C.

That’s pretty shiny.

Debug mode

One bit missing though, debug mode!

There were essentially three options I had here:

  • Thread a debug_mode flag through all of the other functions
  • Set an environment variable based on the command line flag (if specified)
  • Create a crate with debug::ENABLED

The third appealed to me… with ENABLED being a static mut bool. The only problem with that… is that it’s unsafe:

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();

    // Debug flag override envs variable
    if args.debug {
        unsafe {
            debug::ENABLED = true;
    } else {
        match env::var("STACKLANG_DEBUG") {
            Ok(s) if s.to_lowercase() == "true" => unsafe {
                debug::ENABLED = true;
            _ => {},
    unsafe {
        env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "trace");
        if debug::ENABLED {
            log::debug!("Debug mode enabled");


/// Compile the AST into C code
pub fn compile(ast: Expression) -> String {

    unsafe {
        if debug::ENABLED {
            lines.push("char* get_name(int index) {".to_string());
            for (name, index) in names.iter() {
                lines.push(format!("    if (index == {index}) {{ return \"{name}\"; }}"));
            lines.push("    return \"<unknown>\";".to_string());


I’m … not thrilled with that. There has to be a better way to do it, but I’ve not found it yet. And it works. For now!


So now I can run with the --file flag to specify file, --compile to enable compilation mode (which actually only generates C code), and --debug to enable debug mode. But that’s… a lot. So I made a Justfile:

both name:
    just example {{ name }}
    just example {{ name }} compile=true

example name compile="false" debug="false":
    just example{{ if compile != "false" { "-compile" } else { "-run" } }}{{ if debug != "false" { "-debug" } else { "" } }} {{name}}

example-run name:
    time cargo run --release -- --file examples/{{name}}.stack

example-compile name:
    cargo run --release -- --file examples/{{name}}.stack --compile > output/{{name}}.c
    clang -Ofast output/{{name}}.c -o output/{{name}}
    time output/{{name}}

example-run-debug name:
    cargo run -- --debug --file examples/{{name}}.stack

example-compile-debug name:
    cargo run -- --debug --file examples/{{name}}.stack --compile > output/{{name}}.c
    clang output/{{name}}.c -o output/{{name}}

Now I can run my code examples (with timing! and automatic clang!) with just example:

$ just example fibonacci-acc

just example-run fibonacci-acc
time cargo run --release -- --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack
   Compiling stacklang v0.1.0 (/Users/jp/Projects/stacklang)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 3.76s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack`

real	0m4.037s
user	0m0.048s
sys	0m0.047s

$ just example fibonacci-acc compile=true

just example-compile fibonacci-acc
cargo run --release -- --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack --compile > output/fibonacci-acc.c
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack --compile`
clang -Ofast output/fibonacci-acc.c -o output/fibonacci-acc
time output/fibonacci-acc

real	0m0.097s
user	0m0.001s
sys	0m0.001s

Pretty cool.

And if I just want to compare VM vs compiler (as I did quite a lot while tracking down bugs):

$ just both fibonacci-acc

just example fibonacci-acc
just example-run fibonacci-acc
time cargo run --release -- --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.08s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack`

real	0m0.327s
user	0m0.044s
sys	0m0.036s
just example fibonacci-acc compile=true
just example-compile fibonacci-acc
cargo run --release -- --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack --compile > output/fibonacci-acc.c
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/fibonacci-acc.stack --compile`
clang -Ofast output/fibonacci-acc.c -o output/fibonacci-acc
time output/fibonacci-acc

real	0m0.035s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.001s


Mandelbrot timing

As mentioned (and shown above), the C compiler is fast compared to the VM. Here’s a real example. Generating a 1024x768x8 Mandelbrot image.

$ echo -e "1024\n768\n8\n" | just example mandelbrot-read | convert - output/mandelbrot-vm.png

just example-run mandelbrot-read
time cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot-read.stack
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.15s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/mandelbrot-read.stack`
                                                                                                                                       real	2m16.413s
user	1m59.204s
sys	0m2.758s

$ echo -e "1024\n768\n8\n" | just example mandelbrot-read compile=true | convert - output/mandelbrot-compile.png

just example-compile mandelbrot-read
cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot-read.stack --compile > output/mandelbrot-read.c
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/mandelbrot-read.stack --compile`
clang -Ofast output/mandelbrot-read.c -o output/mandelbrot-read
time output/mandelbrot-read

real	0m2.145s
user	0m2.062s

Yes. You read that write. From 2m16s down to 2s. Not too bad! 😄

Next steps

I know it’s been a while, but I hope it was worth it. Like last time, it’s so cool just seeing something like this working…

So what’s next?

  • Type checking:
    • Automatically determine specific types of expressions (including blocks)
    • Automatically determine the arity of blocks when possible
  • Numeric tower:
    • Implement rationals/complex numbers at the parser level + in any interpreter / compiler I have at that point
  • Interpreters:
    • A bytecode interpreter/compiler, evaluating at a lower level (I’m not sure how much this would gain, the AST is already fairly low level)
  • Compilers:
    • Compile to WASM; since it’s also stack based, this should be interesting
    • Compile to x86/ARM assembly

I think I want to work more on types next, possibly doing away with manual coercion. We’ll see.

Onwards, once again!