Oh, now that’s a season. It starts with a marriage, imprisonment, and money problems and only gets crazier from there.
Death is a theme as well, not once but twice. I get that sometimes actors move on , but they really did Matthew dirty with that one…
Overall another solid season and I’m looking forward to what happens now!
Per episode reviews. Potential spoilers for the season as a whole.
Episode #3.1
They’re finally getting married!
And Tom and Sybil are back in town! So awkward.
And and Cora’s mother. Oh Americans.
And and and perhaps the money isn’t inexhaustible after all… bet that plot line sticks a bit.
And (etc) hope for Mr. Bates! Did he do it?
Episode #3.2
Money troubles, he’s too old for you troubles, American troubles. All sorts of troubles for Downton Abbey…
Unexpected to see a cancer plot line pop up as well. I had no idea how well that was understood at the time.
Thomas… right back to not liking him. How does he manage to stick around.
Episode #3.3
Edith’s turn! Bit weird. But good for her… ?
And of course the house politics abound. So many misunderstandings. Purposeful and not.
And Lavinia sent a note! Oh Daisy. Always ending up in the middle of things.
Episode #3.4
Mr. Carson: [Mrs. Hughes has just purchased an electric toaster] Is it not enough that we are sheltering a dangerous revolutionary, Mrs. Hughes? Could you not have spared me that.
Oh this show sometimes.
Oh and also poor Anna and Mr. Bates.
Tom Branson: They turned everyone out of the castle - Lord and Lady John Guillamore, their sons, and all the servants, and then they set fire to it. Edith: What a tragedy. Violet: Well, rather yes and no, that house was hideous… of course that is no excuse.
She’s so delightful.
Also also, oh Ethel’s storyline. That’s a difficult one, no doubt about it.
Episode #3.5
Episode #3.6
A lot of trouble. Lord and Lady Grantham. Tom and the Church. Ethel and cooking. Mr. Bates. Ivy and Jimmy and Alfred and Thomas. And oh Carson and the whole world changing around him.
All the oy.
Mrs. Patmore: You know the trouble with you lot? You’re all in love with the wrong people?
She’s not wrong.
Episode #3.7
Bates is back!
Also, the Daisy / Ivy / Alfred / Jimmy. Oh the complications.
Also also, Thomas and O’Brien. Oooh when she’s turned on him. Quite the thing.
I wonder if prostitutes or gay men were / are more hated at the time.
Robert: I’ll do it on one condition - no, two. First, Matthew must agree. Cora: He will. Robert: Second, you will both admit it when you realise you were wrong. Violet: Oh, well, that is an easy caveat to accept, because I’m never wrong.
Oh, but she is most delightful
Episode #3.8
I don’t even remember why O’Brien is so pissed… but why in the world is she so vindictive? I didn’t expect to feel bad for Thomas. Even if the show is more than a mite heavy handed.
Also, cricket.
Also also, Lady Rose. A replacement for Sybil, already? She’s a lot. Not to mention… JAZZ?! /le gasp/
A Journey to the Highlands
The family to the Highlands! And the staff to the fair.
Fun for both!
Edith’s new friend–she’s always for the interesting ones. Trouble in the Highlands. Fighting between the staff of the families.
Mrs. Patmore, all the flirting. Mr. Branson and the new maid. Jimmy and Thomas have an understanding. Mrs. Crawley and the doctor.
All the things are going on.
And then the end. Oooh that’s a thing.
Quite an end to quite a season.