StackLang Part IV: An Interpreter

StackLang, part 4: an interpreter. Here we go again!

This time, the goal is to actually get code running

Posts in this series:

This post:

Full source code for StackLang: github:jpverkamp/stacklang

The main function

Okay, let’s start this off. Here’s the entire structure:

use crate::arity::calculate_arity;
use crate::numbers::Number;
use crate::stack::Stack;
use crate::types::{Expression, Value};

/// Evaluates a vector of expressions
/// This does not actually return anything, but instead mutates the stack
pub fn evaluate(ast: Expression) {
    log::debug!("evaluate({})", ast);

    // ...

    // Internal eval function, carries the stack with it and mutates it
    fn eval(node: Expression, stack: &mut Stack) {
        log::info!("eval({node}, {stack})");

        // Handle running a block
        fn eval_block(
            stack: &mut Stack,
            arity_in: usize,
            expression: Box<Expression>,
            arity_out: usize,
        ) {
            // ...

        // Cloned for debug printing
        match node.clone() {
            Expression::Identifier(id) => {
                // ...

    // At the top level, create the stack and evaluate each expression
    let mut stack = Stack::new();
    eval(ast, &mut stack);

So we have a basic evaluation function. It’s going to set up a stack that will handle the data and then evaluate an AST node. Each node knows how to evaluate itself (given this function), with blocks being the most complicated of them and having their own function.

The Stack type

So, what is a stack?

In this case (in theory) it’s a linear sequence of values in memory. Some of those values can be accessed by names. That’s the complicated bit: if we’re accessing a value by name, it could be at the current level or it could be at a previous level.

So let’s use this as our struct:

/// A stack in the context of the VM
/// This will actually have a stack of data, and a map of names to stack indices
/// These are also nested by block; when a new block is entered, a new stack is created
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Stack {
    // The values on the stack
    data: Vec<Value>,
    // A mapping of names to indices in the data
    names: HashMap<String, usize>,
    // The parent of this stack for name lookups
    parent: Option<Rc<Stack>>,

Then, implementation:

impl Stack {
    /// Creates a new top level stack
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Creates a new stack with the current stack as its parent
    /// n is the number of values to pop from the parent stack and push onto this one
    pub fn extend(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
        let mut values = vec![];
        for _ in 0..n {

        Stack {
            data: values,
            names: HashMap::new(),
            parent: Some(Rc::new(self.clone())),

    /// Pushes a value onto the stack
    pub fn push(&mut self, value: Value) {;

    /// Pops a value off the stack
    /// TODO: Handle popping a named value
    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Value> {

    /// Assign a new name to the top value on the stack
    /// A single stack can have multiple names for the same value
    pub fn name(&mut self, name: String) {
        self.names.insert(name, - 1);

    /// Assigns a new name to the top N values of the stack (from bottom to top)
    /// If the stack is [8, 6, 7, 5], name_many("A", "B") would result in [8, 6, 7@A, 5@B]
    pub fn name_many(&mut self, names: Vec<String>) {
        for (i, name) in names.iter().enumerate() {
                .insert(name.clone(), - names.len() + i);

    /// Get a named value from this stack (including the parent) if it exists
    /// If this stack doesn't have it, check the parent
    pub fn get_named(&self, name: String) -> Option<Value> {
        log::debug!("get_named({}) from {}", name, self);

        if self.names.contains_key(&name) {
        } else if self.parent.is_some() {
        } else {

Among those:

  • extend is for making a new nested stack level
  • push / pop are the standard stack functions
  • name will assign a name to the top of the stack (with @n)
  • name_many will assign many names (with @[a b c])
  • get_named will look up a value by name, looking in this scope and then any previous scope

Works pretty well for me!

Evaluating values

Literal values

These are easy. Just push them onto the stack:

// Literal values are just pushed onto the stack
Expression::Literal(value) => stack.push(value.clone()),

at (@) expressions

These have three interesting cases:

  • single values
  • list names
  • integer naming expressions (for setting arity, doesn’t actually do anything)
// @ expressions name the top value on the stack
// @[] expressions name multiple values
Expression::At(subnode) => {
    match subnode.as_ref() {
        // Specifying input arity, ignore
        Expression::Literal(Value::Number(Number::Integer(_))) => {}
        // Naming the top of the stack
        Expression::Identifier(name) => {
        // Naming several values at once on top of the stack
        Expression::List(exprs) => {
            let mut names = vec![];
            for expr in exprs {
                match expr {
                    Expression::Identifier(name) => names.push(name.clone()),
                    _ => panic!("Invalid @ expression, @[list] must contain only names, got {:?}", node)
        _ => panic!(
            "Invalid @ expression, must be @name or @[list], got {:?}",

bang (!) expressions

I’ve … not actually implemented these yet.

// ! expressions set (or update) the value of named expressions
Expression::Bang(subnode) => {
    match subnode.as_ref() {
        // Output expression, ignore
        Expression::Literal(Value::Number(Number::Integer(_))) => {}

        // Write to a named variable
        Expression::Identifier(_name) => todo!(),

        // Anything else doesn't currently make sense
        _ => panic!("Invalid ! expression, must be !# or !name, got {:?}", node),

So far, everything is more functional and doesn’t need them. We’ll have to see if this is something we actually need.

Identifier expressions and built ins

So this one is certainly longer. We’ll start with the built ins, since anything that isn’t a built in will instead by a lookup by name.

// Identifiers are globals are named expressions
// TODO: Extract globals into their own module
Expression::Identifier(id) => {
    match id.as_str() {
        // Built in numeric functions
        "+" => numeric_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a + b }),
        "-" => numeric_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a - b }),
        "*" => numeric_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a * b }),
        "/" => numeric_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a / b }),
        "%" => numeric_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a % b }),
        // Built in comparisons
        "<" => comparison_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a < b }),
        "<=" => comparison_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a <= b }),
        "=" => comparison_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a == b }),
        ">=" => comparison_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a >= b }),
        ">" => comparison_binop!(stack, |a, b| { a > b }),
        // Convert a value to an int if possible
        "int" => {
            let value = stack.pop().unwrap();
            match value {
                Value::String(s) => {
                Value::Number(n) => stack.push(Value::Number(n.to_integer())),
                _ => panic!("int cannot, got {}", value),
        // Apply a block to the stack
        "apply" => {
            let block = stack.pop().unwrap();
            match block {
                Value::Block {
                } => {
                    eval_block(stack, arity_in, expression, arity_out);
                _ => panic!("apply expects a block, got {}", block),
        // Read a line from stdin as a string
        "read" => {
            let mut input = String::new();
            match std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) {
                Ok(_) => {
                Err(e) => {
                    panic!("failed to read from stdin: {e}");
        // Pop and write a value to stdout
        "write" => {
            print!("{}", stack.pop().unwrap());
        // Pop and write a value to stdout with a newline
        "writeln" => {
            println!("{}", stack.pop().unwrap());
        // Write a newline
        "newline" => {
        // Loop over an iterable, expects a block and an iterable
        "loop" => {
            let iterable = stack.pop().unwrap();
            let block = stack.pop().unwrap();

            match iterable {
                Value::Number(Number::Integer(n)) => {
                    if n < 0 {
                        panic!("numeric loops must have a positive integer, got {}", n);

                    for i in 0..n {
                        match block.clone() {
                            // Blocks get evaluated lazily (now)
                            Value::Block { arity_in, arity_out, expression } => {
                                eval_block(stack, arity_in, expression, arity_out);
                            // Loops must have a block
                            _ => panic!("loop must have a block, got {}", block),
                Value::String(s) => {
                    for c in s.chars() {
                        match block.clone() {
                            Value::Block { arity_in, arity_out, expression } => {
                                eval_block(stack, arity_in, expression, arity_out);
                            _ => panic!("loop must have a block, got {}", block),
                _ => panic!("loop must have an iterable (currently an integer or string), got {}", iterable),
        // If statement, expects two blocks or literals and a conditional (must be boolean)
        "if" => {
            let condition = stack.pop().unwrap();
            let false_branch = stack.pop().unwrap();
            let true_branch = stack.pop().unwrap();

                "if condition: {}, true: {}, false: {}",

            let branch = match condition {
                Value::Boolean(value) => {
                    if value {
                    } else {
                _ => panic!("if condition must be a boolean, got {}", condition),

            log::debug!("if selected: {}", branch);

            match branch {
                // Blocks get evaluated lazily (now)
                Value::Block {
                } => {
                    eval_block(stack, arity_in, expression, arity_out);
                // All literal values just get directly pushed
                _ => {
        name => {
            if let Some(value) = stack.get_named(String::from(name)) {
                if let Value::Block {
                } = value
                    eval_block(stack, arity_in, expression, arity_out);
                } else {
            } else {
                panic!("Unknown identifier {:?}", name);

Because we have the stack and the eval function, we can directly implement these. The most interesting ones are the ones that have blocks, such as if expressions. That’s why we need eval_block.

Other than that, we’re looking up values by name (at the end). One thing that we’re going to have to do here is determine if it’s a block (eval_block it) or a value (push it).

Binops and coercion

One more, we have a few macros you’ve probably seen (with + etc) that is designed to automatically convert the values to the same type before applying them:

/// A helper macro to generate functions that operate on two integers and floats
macro_rules! numeric_binop {
    ($stack:expr, $f:expr) => {{
        // TODO: Check we have enough values
        let b = $stack.pop().unwrap();
        let a = $stack.pop().unwrap();

        match (a.clone(), b.clone()) {
            (Value::Number(a), Value::Number(b)) => {
                $stack.push(Value::Number($f(a, b)));
            _ => panic!(
                "cannot perform numeric operation on non-numeric values, got {} and {}",
                a, b

/// A helper macro to generate functions that operate on two integers and floats
macro_rules! comparison_binop {
    ($stack:expr, $f:expr) => {{
        // TODO: Check we have enough values
        let b = $stack.pop().unwrap();
        let a = $stack.pop().unwrap();

        match (a.clone(), b.clone()) {
            (Value::Number(a), Value::Number(b)) => {
                $stack.push(Value::Boolean($f(a, b)));
            // TODO: Handle other types
            _ => panic!(
                "cannot perform comparison operation on non-numeric values, got {} and {}",
                a, b

Having that in a macro so that all of the functions use the same code without duplicating it is pretty cool, not going to lie.

And that’s all there is, except:

Evaluating blocks

All this actually has to do is pushing a new stack:

// Handle running a block
fn eval_block(
    stack: &mut Stack,
    arity_in: usize,
    expression: Box<Expression>,
    arity_out: usize,
) {
    // Extend the stack with arity_in values
    let mut substack = stack.extend(arity_in);
    log::debug!("substack: {}", substack);

    // Evaluate the block with that new stack context
    eval(expression.as_ref().clone(), &mut substack);
    log::debug!("substack after eval: {}", substack);

    // Copy arity_out values to return, drop the rest of the substack
    // TODO: should this be a stack method?
    let mut results = vec![];
    for _ in 0..arity_out {

    for result in results {

When we call, we extend with the arity_in values. When we return, instead we will copy arity_out values from the top of the current level and move it down a level. Having these as nested values is… not great memory efficiency wise, but I suppose it will work for the time being.

Trying it out

So. How does it work?

# factorial.stack
  { @0 n 1 - fact n * }
  n 1 < if
} @fact

5 fact writeln

Running it:

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ cargo run -- --file examples/factorial.stack

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target/debug/stacklang --file examples/factorial.stack`

That’s pretty cool. With debugging (only info, debug is so chatty) on:

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ RUST_LOG=info cargo run -- --file examples/factorial.stack

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running `target/debug/stacklang --file examples/factorial.stack`
 INFO  stacklang > Tokens: { @ n 1 { @ 0 n 1 - fact n * } n 1 < if } @ fact 5 fact writeln
 INFO  stacklang > AST:
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(({@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if} @fact 5 fact writeln), [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if}, [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@fact, [{1->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(5, [{1->1}@fact])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(fact, [{1->1}@fact 5])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if), [{1->1}@fact] : [5])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@0 n 1 - fact n *}, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n 1 {0->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n 1 {0->1} 5])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(<, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n 1 {0->1} 5 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(if, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n 1 {0->1} false])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@0 n 1 - fact n *), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@0, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [5])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(-, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [5 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(fact, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [4])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@0 n 1 - fact n *}, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n 1 {0->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n 1 {0->1} 4])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(<, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n 1 {0->1} 4 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(if, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n 1 {0->1} false])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@0 n 1 - fact n *), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@0, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [4])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(-, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [4 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(fact, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [3])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@0 n 1 - fact n *}, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n 1 {0->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n 1 {0->1} 3])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(<, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n 1 {0->1} 3 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(if, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n 1 {0->1} false])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@0 n 1 - fact n *), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@0, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [3])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(-, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [3 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(fact, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@0 n 1 - fact n *}, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n 1 {0->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n 1 {0->1} 2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(<, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n 1 {0->1} 2 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(if, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n 1 {0->1} false])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@0 n 1 - fact n *), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@0, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(-, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [2 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(fact, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@0 n 1 - fact n *}, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n 1 {0->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n 1 {0->1} 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(<, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n 1 {0->1} 1 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(if, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n 1 {0->1} false])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@0 n 1 - fact n *), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@0, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(-, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [1 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(fact, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [0])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval((@n 1 {@0 n 1 - fact n *} n 1 < if), [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(@n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0@n])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval({@0 n 1 - fact n *}, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0@n 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0@n 1 {0->1}])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(1, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0@n 1 {0->1} 0])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(<, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0@n 1 {0->1} 0 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(if, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [] : [0@n 1 {0->1} true])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(*, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [] : [1@n] : [1 1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [1])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(*, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [] : [2@n] : [1 2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [2])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(*, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [] : [3@n] : [2 3])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [6])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(*, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [] : [4@n] : [6 4])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(n, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [24])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(*, [{1->1}@fact] : [5@n] : [24 5])
 INFO  stacklang::vm > eval(writeln, [{1->1}@fact 120])

It’s so fun to see that working.


Now, let’s stress test it.

Here’s one of the most complicated functions I’ve written so far: rendering the Mandelbrot set to a PPM file.

# Set image dimensions and maximum number of iterations
128 @width
128 @height
16 @max_iterations

# Set the range of complex numbers to visualize
-2.0 @min_real
1.0 @max_real
-1.0 @min_imag
1.0 @max_imag

# Calculate the step sizes for the real and imaginary parts
max_real min_real - width / @real_step
max_imag min_imag - height / @imag_step

  @[ar ai br bi] !2
  ar br * ai bi * - 
  ar bi * ai br * +
} @cmul

  @[ar ai br bi] !2
  ar br +
  ai bi +
} @cadd

  @[r i]
  r i * r i * +
} @cmag2

  @[px py max_iter]
    @[zx zy i iter] 
      @0 !1
        @0 !1
        zx zy zx zy cmul px py cadd
        i 1 +
        $iter iter
      zx zy cmag2 4.0 > if
    i max_iter = if

  } @iter

  px py 1 $iter iter
} @mandelbrot

# Write the PPM header
"P3" writeln
width writeln
height writeln
"255" writeln

# Loop through image rows (y) and columns (x)

        # Calculate the current complex number (real + imag * i)
        x real_step * min_real + @real
        y imag_step * min_imag + @imag

        # Calculate the number of iterations for the current complex number
        real imag max_iterations mandelbrot @iterations

        # Scale the number of iterations to a color value (assuming grayscale)
        1.0 iterations * max_iterations / 255 * int @color

        # Write the color value to the PPM file (red, green, blue)
        color write " " write
        color write " " write
        color write " " write
    } width loop
} height loop

There are some interesting things in there, IMO. In particular, we’re not (yet) using complex numbers, since I haven’t implemented that directly. But with multiple arity, we can do it ’easily’. Represent a complex number as two numbers on the stack. So cmul (complex multiplication) takes four parameters (a and b, real and imaginary) and returns two (real and imaginary of the result).

Other than that, we have a three way if in the @mandelbrot set (which could be implemented better), a nested loop for rendering and some color conversion.

And that’s it. We can write PPM files!

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ time cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot.stack > output/[email protected]

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/mandelbrot.stack`
cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot.stack >   3.37s user 0.10s system 93% cpu 3.721 total

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ convert output/[email protected] output/[email protected]

3 seconds is… kind of slow for 128x128. But with an initial interpreter, not bad!

Mandelbrot fractal at 128x128 with 16 max iterations

Let’s go 8x as large with twice the iterations:

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ head -n 4 examples/mandelbrot.stack

# Set image dimensions and maximum number of iterations
512 @width
256 @height
32 @max_iterations

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ time cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot.stack > output/[email protected]

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.09s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/mandelbrot.stack`
cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot.stack >   44.38s user 0.87s system 93% cpu 48.471 total

Mandelbrot fractal at 512x128 with 32 max iterations

It does seem to mostly be based on the complex math and number of iterations:

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ head -n 4 examples/mandelbrot.stack

# Set image dimensions and maximum number of iterations
512 @width
256 @height
8 @max_iterations

┌ ^_^ jp@Mercury {git main} ~/Projects/stacklang
└ time cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot.stack > output/[email protected]

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.10s
     Running `target/release/stacklang --file examples/mandelbrot.stack`
cargo run --release -- --file examples/mandelbrot.stack >   18.30s user 0.29s system 91% cpu 20.239 total

I’m going to have to check that out again when we get complex numbers.

Mandelbrot fractal at 512x128 with 8 max iterations

It’s pretty cool looking though.

Next steps

And that’s it for today. It’s so cool just seeing something like this working…

What’s next? Mostly from last time.

Next up, I’m planning to:

  • Type checking:
    • Automatically determine the arity of blocks when possible
    • Automatically determine specific types of expressions (including blocks)
  • Numeric tower:
    • Implement rationals/complex numbers at the parser level + in any interpreter / compiler I have at that point
    • Implement automatic numeric coercion–if you try to add an integer to a complex number, the result should be a complex number
  • Interpreters:
    • A bytecode interpreter/compiler, evaluating at a lower level (I’m not sure how much this would gain, the AST is already fairly low level)
  • Compilers:
    • Compile to C (and then pass to GCC/Clang) to compile that
    • Compile to WASM; since it’s also stack based, this should be interesting
    • Compile to x86/ARM assembly

Probably the C-compiler, but there’s a lot to do here.